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5 East 57th. St.
New York 22, N.Y

April 11, 1950

Dear F.G:

Just a line to confirm to you that I have now at the gallery the two COROTS of Robert. 


Monsieur Francois Gerard Seligmann
Seligmann & Cie
23 Place Vendome

April 13, 1950

Dear F.G:

A few hours ago I had the opportunity of talking to some of the officials in connection with the two marble busts, and unless the situation should be changed if and when I see their boss next week, to whom of course it was left to decide, this is how it would appear now. The museum officials do not seem willing to buy the busts without having had an opportunity of showing them here to the trustees, even though Mr. J.W. has seen them.

As you can imagine, I spent a good deal of time explaining to them the situation as you described it in your last letter of March 27th., but as these gentlemen did not demur I told them I would inquire from you about the following:

In view of the fact that you write a definite offer would to be transmitted by the museum (by the way the museum seems to be absolutely against writing and making a definite offer themselves) could I not write a letter to you saying that I am authorized by the museum....."to transmit

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