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2nd July 1935. Mainly dull & drizzling all day with a SE x SW jam : otherwise "fog". 
In morning rode to Kilgarran and Slaheny Bridge to recover bicycle pump left there on 1st; then rode back to Kenmare via Letter, Roughty Bridge & Sheen Bridge, collecting a few insects by roadsides near Kilgarran & Ardtully.

In afternoon collected by sweeping under trees, picking insects off under side of leaves of trees &c. around Dunkerron Castle.

Very few insects flying, except [[underlined]] Sigalphus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]].

10.0 til 1.30 AM.
Kilgarran district, Co. SK. 11.30 - 12.30 noon
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum, agrorum [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] hortorum [[/underlined]] (1 [[virgin female symbol]]) seen.
[[underlined]] Hemiteles ? [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] (carded)
[[underlined]] Lissonata cf linearis [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Cryptopimpla errabunda [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Sagaritus [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbols]].

[[underlined]] Dacnusa areolaris [[/underlined]] in great abundance by roadside under trees W. of Kilgarran on Kenmare Rd.

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2.7.35 Afternoon. Fields, plantation, scrub &c, on S. side of Dunkerron Castle, Co. SK.
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] agrorus [[/underlined]] seen
[[underlined]] B. jonallus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] on flower of [[underlined]] Geranium Robertanius [[/underlined]].
[[underlined]] Crabro varius [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]. [no other aculeates seen!]
[[underlined]] Tenthredella livida [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] [ no other sawfly]

[[underlined]] Sigalphus [[/underlined]] S. spp. } = pallidipes? 1 [[female symbol]] swept under trees near wall. millions of [[2 male symbols]] at tips of branches of trees & on nettles &c under trees : one sweep of net at tip of one branch caught 25 to 30 : presumably same sp. as the [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Dyscritus planiceps [[/underlined]] Marshall. 1 [[female symbol]] on underside of elm leaf near the old castle ruins at 2.30 PM.
[[underlined]] Paxylomma buccata [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] [[female symbol]] on beech leaf at about 5 PM. : Seen to fly on to leaf.

[[underlined]] Dacnusa areolaris [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] [[checkmark]] Several returned as [[underlined]] areolaris [[/underlined]] by Nixon on 11/9/36 with next AWS. [[/insertion]] abundant, where was sweeping under trees was possible (owing to wet grass in open!)

[[insertion]] This afterwards called by me [[underlined]] "longiradials" [[/underlined]] & so described by Nixon in his paper in 1937. A.W.S. {

Some specimens, ? this species, with radial cell extending quite or nearly to apex of the wing, as in [[underlined]] Aspilota [[/underlined]], kept & one or two others for comparison.

[[underlined]] Aspilota [[/underlined]] several = 1 [[female symbol]]  cf "sp. 4 = 3" & 1 [[male symbol]] cf [[underlined]] rubripes [[/underlined]] ??
[[underlined]] Gyrocampa [[uligonora?]] [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]