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25.7.35 cont. Ardnagashel & Snave, &c cont.
[[underlined]] Protichneumon laminatorius [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] on wild carrot at 3.
[[underlined]] Probolus allicola [[/underlined]] ? [[female symbol]] (? where)

[[underlined]] Hemiteles [[/underlined]] ? 1 small [[male symbol]] (carded) at 1.
Spilocryptus [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Pimpla brevicornis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] on carrot at 3: 1st seen on trip.

[[underlined]] Banchus volutotorias [[/underlined]] ? [[female symbol]] at 1.
[[underlined]] Meloboris [[/underlined]] 1
[[underlined]] Angitia [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] at 1 (carded!)
[[underlined]] Tenthredo perkinsi [[/underlined]] ? [[insertion]] ^ 1 [[female symbol]] [[/insertion]] at 3 (Flynn) : kept; the only one seen all day.

[[underlined]] Bracon [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbol]] on wild carrot at 3.
[[underlined]] B. fulvipes [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] at 1.
[[underlined]] Apanteles [[/underlined]] small black [[female symbol]] at 1
A. sp. ? [[male symbol]], pale stigma (? where, probably at 1)
[[underlined]] Meteorus cinctellus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] (at 1?)

[[underlined]] Dacnusa bathyzona [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] A.W.S. 26/2/36. 1 [[female symbol]] at 1
[[underlined]] D. areolaris [[/underlined]] abundant at 1.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


25.7.35 cont. Ardnagashel, Snave, &c. cont. 
[[underlined]] Gyrocampa affinis [[/underlined]] ? at 1, 2 [[2 male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]], the 2 [[2 male symbols]] rather different [[underlined]] inter sc! [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] Aphiduis [[/underlined]] spp. at 1

[[underlined]] Paxylomma baccata [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] hovering round base of post at 5 where [[2 virgin female symbols]] of [[underlined]] Formica fusca [[/underlined]] were numerous & only ant seen.
Scelio?, clear wings, on bank at 4 (Flynn).
Procto 2) ? [[strikethrough]] Megastigmus [[/strikethrough]] on post at 5, dark splash on wings.
Procto, large, long antennae, at 5 also.

[[line across page]]
26th July 1935 Dull, warm, almost raining at times some odd glimpses of sun : many small insects taken in woods by sweeping : not much flying. Roche's Point, &c, Co. WC. Glengarriff.
12 noon till 4 PM.
Rock garden at Roche's Hotel = 1
Woods below same = 2, (includes "Lugdine"!).
Roche's Point below same = 3.

[[underlined]] Bombus agrorum & hortorum [[/underlined]] seen : fresh [[2 male symbols]] of latter frequent
[[underlined]] Andrena tarsata [[/underlined]] an amazing swarm of [[2 male symbols]] at bank by old avenue in woods in "Lugdine", which came out during a very warm burst of sun about 3.30.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Checked species names I didn't recognize. Made a few minor edits, otherwise looked great! - GigglePop!