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16.8.36 cont.  Emo Park - Portarlington, Q.C. cont.
[[underlined]] Alomyia debellator [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] seen at 4.
[[underlined]] Ichneumon sarcitorius [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]], 1 [[male symbol]] seen at 4, on Angelica.
[[underlined]] I. extensorius [[/underlined]] ?   [[underlined]] Ctenichneumon [[/underlined]] ??   1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Dicaelotus [[/underlined]] 1 very red [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] Centeterus [[/underlined]] ?   1 [[male symbol]], small.
[[underlined]] Cryptus [[/underlined]] large black [[male symbol]]. [[underlined]] Exolytus [[/underlined]]   1 [[female symbol]] carded. [[underlined]] Atractodes [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] & 1 [[male symbol]] at 4 [[/insertion]] red - 2 [[2 female symbols]] on one card.
[[underlined]] Stilpnus pavoniae [[/underlined]] ? 1   [[underlined]] Pezomachus instabilis [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]] & 1 [[female symbol]] at 4
Other Cryptids 3 [[2 male symbols]], 1 [[female symbol]] at 1, 2 or 3; also 2 [[2 male symbols]] at 4.
[[underlined]] Glypta monoceros [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] at 4.
" [[ditto for: Glypta]] [[underlined]] "longicauda" [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] at 1, & another [[male symbol]] at 4.
" [[ditto for: Glypta]] [[underlined]] mensurator [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] "nigrotrochanterata" [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] almost certainly seen.

[[underlined]] Lissonota bellator [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] seen.
[[underlined]] Genarches sulphuratus [[/underlined]] one large, 1 very small [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Psilosage ephippium [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] Promethes laticarpus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Triclistus globulipes [[/underlined]] 1 [[underlined]] Exochus [[/underlined]] cf. [[underlined]] notatus [[/underlined]] ?? 1

[[underlined]] Metopius [[/underlined]] leiopygus ? 1 [[male symbol]] at 4 on Angelica
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Otlophorus pulverulentus [[/underlined]] Hlgr. ? [[strikethrough]] NO! 1 [[male symbol]], superficially like a [[underlined]] Bassus [[/underlined]] with its white base to hind tibiae. AWS. [[?]]/[[?]]/36.

[[underlined]] Angitia [[/underlined]] ?   1 [[female symbol]] at 1, 2 or 3 [[underlined]] Diaparsus [[/underlined]] ?   1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Omorga [[/underlined]] ? - 1 [[male symbol]] at 4.
[[underlined]] Agrypon [[/underlined]] ?   1 [[female symbol]].

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


16.8.36 cont. Emo Park - Portarlington, QC. cont.
[[underlined]] Bracon "communis" [[/underlined]] mihi 2 [[2 female symbols]] (1 at 4). [[underlined]] B. praetermissus [[/underlined]]. 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Apanteles [[/underlined]] milky wings   1 [[male symbol]]. [[underlined]] Microgaster [[/underlined]]   1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] A. [[/underlined]] ----- 3 [[2 male symbols]] at 4. [[underlined]] Ap. - - [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] at 4
[[underlined]] Diospilus capito [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Chaenon anceps [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Dacnusa [[/underlined]] cf [[underlined]] elegantula + ovalis [[/underlined]] 4 [[2 male symbols]].
[[underlined]] Pentapleura pumilio [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] at 4

[[underlined]] Procto. [[/underlined]] 1 at 1, 2 or 3 & another at 4.
Two Partridge disturbed at 2, evidently with brood hidden nearby. Swallows & Sand Martins still busy!
[[line across page]]
17.8.'36. See p. 187 ante.
[[line across page]]
18th & 19th & 20th August 1936.
Garden, 14 Clareville Rd., Dublin.
[[underlined]] Bombus muscorum [[/underlined]] 1 beautifully fresh [[male symbol]] seen at 5.30 P.M. on 19th
[[underlined]] B. lapidarius [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] agrorum [[/underlined]] [[2 virgin female symbols]] at [[underlined]] Centaurea scabiosa [[/underlined]] on 19th & 20th
[[underlined]] Chrysis ignita [[/underlined]] 3 in holes in post on 19th.
[[underlined]] Pteronidea ribesii [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] on 18th & 20th. Black sp. seen on rose on 20th
[[underlined]] Glypta ceratites [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] on 19th. [[underlined]] Orthocentrus [[/underlined]]   2 [[2 male symbols]] at [[underlined]] Rhamnus [[/underlined]] (one on 18th, the other on 19th)
[[underlined]] Homocidus pictus [[/underlined]] ? var. with pale markings on scutellum & abd. 2 [[2 male symbols]]
Campoplegids 2
[[underlined]] Oedematopsis scabricola [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]], not kept, on 18th.
[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Mesochorus [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]] Astiphroma ? dark [[female symbol]] on sedges in tub, on 18th.
Cynipid 1   [[underlined]] Procto. [[/underlined]] 1
Chalcid [[female symbol]], 1.
Also one small [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] Angitia [[/underlined]] ? bred on 19th from elongate, grey, cocoon found on cabbage leaf (when feeding snails) on 15th [[inst?]].

Transcription Notes:
"Astriphroma" might be a misspelling of Astriphromma. -@mnathan