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3.8.38 cont.  5.30-6.0 P.M.

Walled garden at The Lodge, Tullaghan, Co. LE.
(all swept in NE corner & by rubbish heap)

Only nine specimens kept & these labelled 5/3/1940. A.W.S.

Anteob or Aphelophus?  1 [[male symbol]]

Alysia tipulae  1 [[male symbol]].
Adelura flaviventris  1 [[male symbol]]

Pentapleura fulignosa   [[male symbol, male symbol]] abundant, 1 [[female symbol] at garden - rubbish heap

Dacnusa sp.  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]], like evadne, but with well marked rugose sternauli; 22-23 seg. ant.

[A "White fly", Aleyrodidae  sp. taken in "conservatory" over porch] 
[In spiders web, in "The Lodge", 3/8/38.  Toxares deltiger [[male symbol]].


3.8.38 cont.  9.15 - 9.45 P.M.

Hay field (cut) in front of The Lodge, Tullaghan, Co. LE.  (swept along E & N (under trees) sides)
Insects very numerous but mostly very common things & few kept!  [Only nine kept: these labelled 5/3/40! AWS]

Bracon  1 [[male symbol]]
Rhogas reticulator Nees.  1 beautiful [[male symbol]], with 49-seg. antennae.  The first specimen I have taken!
Opius pallidipes??  [[male symbol]]
Phaenocarpa livida  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]]. mtd. on one card.
Dacnusa longiradialis  1 [[male symbol]], with bisinuous radius!
D.  1 [[female symbol]], with 28-seg. antennae.
Proctotrupes gravidator Hal.  1 [[male symbol]]