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5.8.38. aft. cont.  The lodge (garden), Tullaghan, LE cont.

Hemitiles, 1 [[female symbol]], red abd., bicoloured antenne, 17 segments, =
Pezomachus sp. very small [[female symbol]] taken on bored post.

5.8.38. 9 P.M.  Just before rain! 
Road & lake shore at outlet of Glenade Lough, Co. LE.

Practically no hymenoptera swept at all. 
Dacnusa aerolaris  2 [[female symbol, female symbol]] } None kept.
Aphidius  2 specimens } None kept.
Opius irregularis  1 [[female symbol]] } None kept.

7th Aug. 1938.
Taken at rubbish heat in old garden at The Lodge, Tullaghan, Co. LE. (before lunch!)

Pentapleura fulignosa  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].
Stenomacrus ochripes?  1 [[female symbol]].


6th August 1938.
After some rain at night another fine day, but no drying.
Did not collect;  but in late afternoon drove with Mrs & Miss Morehouse of Doncaster, who had arrived at midday, along southern shore of L. Melvin, Co. LE.  At head of lough took one "Mesoleius" & examined one Crabro tibialis.

7th August 1938.
After a misty morning, a very fine & hot afternoon, with westerly (not E) breeze dying away in late evening.
Drove to Trawalua, Co. SL., at 3.0 P.M.  Swept in scrub till 5.30;  along track & in sunk-drain, &c.
[About 23 kept & these labelled 13/3/40 or before AWS.]

Crabro styrius  1 [[male symbol]]
Perilissus lutescens?  1 [[female symbol]].