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21.8 38 cont. Killoughter, Co. WI.
11.30 AM. - 2-30 P.M.  Collected by sweeping near the old station and for a mile N. along railway and in fields and marsh ajoining same inland.

[About 70 specimen kept & there labelled 8/4/1940! AWS.] 

Bombus terrestris  1 fine fresh [[male symbol]] taken.
B. lucorum, B. lapidarius  [[male symbol, male symbol]] & [[juvenile symbol, juvenile symbol]] & 1 [[female symbol]] (fresh) of [[?fermis]]
B. agrorum  many [[juvenile symbol, juvenile symbol]] seen : one on flowers of Solanum Dulcamara in drains.
B. muscorum  several [[juvenile symbol, juvenile symbol]] seen.
Psithyrus sp. (probably distinctus) seen.
Halictus calceatus & albipes  [[male symbol, male symbol]] swept.
H. villosulus  1 [[male symbol]] swept.
Crabro chrysostomus  1 [[male symbol]] by roadside, on Angelica
Vespa rufa  frequent on Angelica 
V. germanica  1 [[female symbol]] taken on Angelica & others seen by road (& probably vulgaris also!]
Ichneumon gracilicornis  1 [[female symbol]]. 
I.  1 [[female symbol]]
Phaeogenid  1 [[male symbol]].  Gen. et. sp.? near [[?Iochnus]]

Hemiteles sp. 2 [[female symbol, female symbol]]
Phygadeuon  1 [[female symbol]]


21.8.38 cont. Killoughter, WI., cont.  

Phygadeuon  1 [[female symbol]]
Leptocryptus  2 [[female symbol, female symbol]]
Pezomachus rufulus?  1 [[female symbol]]
Exolytus  1 [[male symbol]]

Pimpla brevicornis [[female symbol, female symbol]] & [[male symbol, male symbol]] frequent;  also some very small [[female symbol, female symbol]], such as we used to call "punctiventris"

Schizopyga cf minuta Gravh. [[male symbol]], fits Gravs'. description of [[female symbol]] well!
Glypta cf bifoveolata or scalaris  1 [[male symbol]], 2nd abd. seg. about square 

Polyblastus  1 [[male symbol]]

Gen. cf sp.? near Catoglyptus, with long 46 & 49 seg. ant. 2 [[male symbol, male symbol]] = Sychnoleter geniculosus  [[male symbol, male symbol]]

Transcription Notes:
This page is ready for review 2. This page needed a considerable amount of correction - please check the scientific and place names!