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25.8.38 cont.  Kippure Lodge, Athdown, WI cont.

Orthostigma maculipes  1 [[male symbol]], 19-seg. ant., these rather stout. 
Aspilota rufa-niger:  an immature [[female symbol]], 20-seg. ant. 
A. rubripes?,  1 small [[male symbol]], 18-seg. ant. 
A. curticauda = sciurella m.?  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]], 25 & 23 seg. ant. 
A. cf. crassifemur  1 [[male symbol]], 26-seg. ant.
A. Sylvatica?  1 [[female symbol]], 21-seg. ant.
A. cf semirufa  1 large [[female symbol]], 19-seg. ant.  (cf. [[female symbol]] taken on 1.9.38 [[right arrow]]
A. sp.? [[male symbol]] like last, with 23 seg-.ant.
A. rufata?  1 small [[male symbol]]  seg ant.
A. cf. fuscicornis  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]]
A. (Synaldis) parvicornis  1 [[female symbol]], 15-seg. ant.
A. (S.) concolor?  1 large [[male symbol]] 23-seg. ant.
Dacnusa sp.? like aphanta, but smooth sternauli, stout stigma &c.  1 [[female symbol]], 27-seg. ant.
D. hirtigena miki  1 nice [[female symbol]], swept in swamp near R. Liffey, 21-seg. ant.
D. (Ametria) uliginosa  1 [[male symbol]].
D. melanocera  1 [[female symbol]].
D. maculipes  1 dwarf [[male symbol]]
Chaenusa conjungens  1 [[male symbol]].
Ephedrus validus  1 [[female symbol]].
Proctos. 9. including 1 brachpterous [[female symbol]] Phaenoserphid.


25.8.38.  7.30 - 8.30 P.M.
Hollywood Glen, Co. WI.

Left car at 1st "outlet" & walked up E side of Glen thro. new Forestry plantation, where the young Conifers about a foot high were covered with Ichneuminoides, chiefly [[male symbol, male symbol]] Ichneumon sp. & Lissonota bellator (many [[male symbol, male symbol]] & 1 [[female symbol]]).  I believe these were attracted to the Conifers by the presence of a Chermes (?) or other scale with which some of the young trees were crowded.

Picked up a few things here & swept a little along stream & roadside later on return from walk.