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11.9.38 aft. cont. Riverdale]], Co. WH cont.
See p. 85.

15th Sept. 1938. 

A very fine day after rain during previous morning & a clear cold night with very heavy dew ("frost"):  vegetation in shelter therefore too wet to sweep, except under very leafy trees;  fairly dry in open.  S. breeze.
Drove in afternoon to Glending, 2 miles W. of Blessington on WI-KD border & collected for 2 hours or so, then on to Poulaphuca to pick up George;   later drove on to pass E of Hollywood, where left car, & walked to ruined cairn on summit of Slievecorragh, 1379 ft.;  then home.


15.9.38.  3.30-4.30 P.M.

Marsh at head of channel, Glending, Co. KD, round remains of "kettle-hole", really a small lake formed by falling in of sides of channel after this ceased to take the melt waters during Ice Age. 
[23 only kept & these labelled 22/11/1940! AWS.]  Labelled Glending Msh. Co.KD.

Hemiteles sp.  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]], on same card, but ? same sp.
Promethes dorsalis  1 [[male symbol]].
Bracon fuscicornis  1 [[male symbol]].
Microgaster globatus  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]].
Phaenocarpa (Rhopaloneura gen. nov.) nimia sp.n.  Type [[female symbol]], swept in marsh.
Dacnusa gilvipes  1 [[male symbol]], antennae broken.
D. areolaris  1 [[female symbol]].
D. pubescens  2 [[female symbol, female symbol]].
D. striatula  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]], very nice pair.
D. esbelta  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]], mtd. on one card.
[[strikethrough]] D. affinis  1 [[male symbol]], 27-seg. ant. [[/strikethrough]] = Ametria uliginosa  [[male symbol]], ant. 27-seg.
D. polita-nigra  1 [[female symbol]] (?) 26-seg. ant., dark wings, short antennae
D. hirtigena?  1 [[male symbol]], 22-seg. ant.
D. elegantula  1 [[female symbol]], 25-seg. ant.