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15-9-1938 cont.  Marsh, Glending, Co. KD. cont.

Trionys sp.?  1 [[female symbol]], very small, 11 seg. increaments ant., must come near T. angelicae Hal.?
Aphidius cf cirsii Hal.  1 [[female symbol]], 15 seg. ant., very small, nearly 1/2 a line
A. sp.?  1 [[female symbol]], 19-seg. ant., near avenae but apex of abd. dark & rather small, scarcely 1 line.
A. sp.?  1 [[female symbol]] larger & blacker than last, but only 17-seg. short antennae, legs very dark, nearly black.

15.9.1938.  4.30-5.30 P.M.
Plantation on E. side of channel, Glending, 2 miles W. of Blessington, Co. WI. 
[37 kept and there labelled?]] 24/11/40. A. W. S.]  Labelled Glending Wd. Co. WI.

Amblyteles subsericans?  1 [[female symbol]]
Picrostigeus cf. debilis Th.  [[female symbol]], small, pallid, slender ant. &c.
Stenomacrus sp. near pallipes?  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]], 23 & 24-seg. ant.
St. cf. brevis miki  1 [[female symbol]], 21-seg-ant.: small
St. vafer?  1 [[female symbol]], 20-seg. ant: larger than last.


15.9.38.  Plantation, Glending, Co. WI., cont.

Cteniscus curtisi  1 [[female symbol]], I think, on Birch.
Proclitus? praetor  1 [[male symbol]], 21-seg. ant.
Plectiscus  1 [[female symbol]], red legs, 20-seg. ant.
P.  1 [[female symbol]], yellowish legs, 20-seg. ant.
P.  1 [[male symbol]], yellowish legs, 19-seg. ant.
Colastes braconius  1 [[female symbol]].
Rhogas nigricornis?  1 fine [[female symbol]], 45-seg. ant.
Chelonus dicorus?  1 [[female symbol]] (?), 27-seg. ant.
Meteorus fragilis?  1 [[male symbol]], 34-seg. ant.
Blacus paganus  1 [[male symbol]]
Opius cingulatus?  1 [[male symbol]], 31-seg. ant.
Adelura flaviventris  1 [[female symbol]].
Aspilota cf immitator?  1 [[female symbol]], 17-seg. ant., rather this than small vulgaris
A. Sylvatica?  rather slender antennae  1 [[female symbol]], 22-seg. ant.  {NB. Does this species not connect with A. falsifica?  A.W.S. 24/9/40.
A. surcularia?  1 [[female symbol]], 16-seg. ant.
Dacnusa lateralis  1 [[male symbol]] & ? 1 [[female symbol]], but petiole of abd. much widened apically.
D. sp. n. near lateralis?  1 [[male symbol]], 33-seg. ant.
D. gilvipes  1 [[male symbol]].