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26th Oct 1938

On this day received back from D.S. Wilkinson three specimens of Apanteles lateralis Hal., with which naming he agrees, from following localities:-
Tullaghan (garden &c. at the Lodge), Co. LE. A.W.S.
1♀ at 1 & 1♂ at 3, 24.6.1936.
Do-do-do. 1 male on 25.6.1936. A.W.S. 

With these Wilkeinson sent series of the following species bred in England.

1. Apanteles lateralis Hal.  "Swept off nettles where Simaethis fabriciana abundant", Staplecross E. Sussex. D.S.W. & R.L.E. Ford 15-19.IX.38. RF.139
2. A. rubecula Marshall.  Ex Pieris rapae.  Slough,BX., O.W. Richards
3. A. limbatus Marshall.  Ex Abraxas grossulariata.  Reading, BX. 1936.  H.L. Dolton.
4. A. colcophorae Wilkinson:  co-type.  Ex Coleophora fuscedinella on Elm.  Col. 8.VI.37, em.6.VII.37.  Cambridge.  R.L.E. Ford.
5.  A. dilectus Hal.  Ex Gracilaria syringella on Lilac.  Coll. 22.VI.37, em.3.VII.37.  Yeovil-St. Chads.  D.S. Wilkinson.


28th-31st Oct.

G.E.J. Nixon of Imp. Inst. Ent. arrived by mast-boat on Friday 28th & stayed till evening of Monday 31st for "conference" re Dacnusa n. spp. & many other matters connected with the Braconidae.  While with me he selected such Diapriids & Belytids as he wished to take back to London to study, as well as many specimens of Dacnusa.  On the aft. of 30th we drove to Athdown, WI. & beat a number of Ichs & Bracs from oak, elder & pine including Stenomacrus ventralis 1♂ at least & very many ♀♀ (hundreds!), Orthocentrus radialis & protuberans ♀♀ & possibly another sp. with red antennae;  Aperileptus sp. ♀; ♂ Cryptini;  Blacus trivialis ♀, Colastes braconius  1♀:  came home by the hill-road via Shankill camp & Ballynascorny gap.  On 31st while out for a walk on the rubbish dump on the Tongue Fields, Kimmage, Dublin, saw a ♀ Bombus agrorum fly across towards Mt. Argus & Nixon saw another Bombus previously;  also Vespa sp. seen.

NB.  The Dacnusids were returned to me - Sept. 1939 on outbreak of war, but not the others!  A.W.S.