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[[strikethrough]] Bred [[/strikethrough]] From Blackbird's nest (No. 151) taken on 23.4.1939, in St. Anne's, Clontarf, Co. Du., by E. O'Mahony. Em.16.5.1939.
Rhogas  1♀

Bred from Diptera in old Mistle Thrushes' nest (No. 153) by E. O'Mahony;  nest taken in St. Anne's, Clontarf, DU., on 23-4-39.
Phorids. =      
Ich. Hemiteles em.22.5.39 1♂
Aspilota vesparum?  1♀ em.1.5.39.
A. (Synaldis) cf. longicornis miki {1♂ em.11.5.39 - All with dusky legs!  1♂ em.8.5.39;  2♂♂ em.11.5.39, with 23, 24, 25 & 25 seg. ant. resp.
Orthostigma pumila? small dark form } 1♂ em.11.5.39 with 23-seg. ant.  3♀♀ em.11-16.5.39 with 21, 22 & 21 seg. ant. resp.
Cynipid:  em.22/5/39. =

April 1939.  Insects taken in St. Anne's, Clontarf, DU., by E. O'Mahoney on 16th & 20th April 1939.
[Labelled 17/12/1940! AWS]

Aspilota atra miki  1♂, 27-seg. ant.
Campoplegid ♂ = Angitia?

2 sawflies: = Empria tridens?  1♀.  AWS. 
Pachynematus clitellatus?  1 very dark ♂
Plectocryptus??  1♀.
Thersilochus?  1♀
2 Proctos: = 1 Diapriid -
& 1 Scelionid - 



Following the very intense cold spell just before Xmas the new year opened mild, then alternated between mild & cold with consequent jams & very heavy rain till 27th when E. & very cold & dry wind set in after some snow, which only lay on the hills.

The first Snowdrops came out (under drawing room window, 14 Clareville Rd.) in first week of January.  These were followed by Crocuses in same place & along W. wall of dining room on 21st & 22nd Jan.  On 23rd Jan. Daisy & I walked up Dodder from Orwell Bridge to Rathfarnham Bridge & saw Hazel ♂ catkins out in "scrub" below "monastery" just above Orwell Bridge, while further up Celandine & Coltsfoot were both in flower on bank of river.

4th Feb.  Snowdrops in back garden out.

5th Feb.  Honey Bees flying near hives at Hughes's dairy near "The Narrow Walls", Rathfarnham.

7th Feb.  Old clump of Snowdrops out under dining room window.  On same day & following day a Chaffinch was lustily singing in Leinster Lawn.

12th Feb.  First flower of [[?Benesemagh]] Sax. oppositifolia opened.  Much sun on 10 to 13th, showers on 11th & 12th with heavy rain squalls on night of 11th-12th.