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3rd May 1939. 
After a dull morning & frosty night, a beautiful sunny afternoon, with strong S. breeze, but much milder & more genial than any day for some time;  with barometer down & falling:  "trough of low pressure moving E"!

Rode on cycles to Glenasmole in afternoon, arriving about 3:30 at Moore's went straight across to "Willow glade" above E. side of lower reservoir (= 1) & swept willows there for about 1 1/2 hours.  Salix cinerea bushes over;  but S. aurita still in flower (= 1).  Later 5.30 till 6.0 swept under trees &c., between Moore's house & river, but wind there strong & chilly & little out except Dacnusa aphanta, which was abundant. (= 2)

[8 kept from 1 & 5 from 2; & these labelled 19/12/1940! AWS.]

Glenasmole, DU.  3.30 till 6.0 P.M.

Bombus lucorum & agrorum (2) ♀♀ seen.
Andrena albicans  ♂♂ everywhere
Vespa vulgaris & rufa  ♀♀ seen.


3.5.39 cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Nomada  ♂♂ at 1, probably bifida!
Salius fuscus  ♀ seen by Dairy on log at 2.
Formica fusca  [[juvenile symbol, juvenile symbol]] active on willows at 1.
Xyela julii  ♀ swept at 2 - new to Glenasmole & Dublin, I think.
Pontania  1♀ on Salix at 1.
Xenarcha n. sp.?  1♂, 1♀ at 1, where a ♂ taken on 10.5.1936.
Apanteles  1♂ at 1, dark legs.
Phaenocarpa galatea  1♀ on Salix at 1.
Dacnusa maculipes  1♀ on Salix at 1
D. areolaris } at 2.
D. longiradialis  1♀ } at 2.
D. aphanta abundant at 2:  1♂ kept.
