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3.5.39 cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Picrostigeus sp.  1 [[female symbol]] at 2, 29 seg. ant., small eyes, &c.
Cratocryptus sp.  2 [[male symbol, male symbol]] at 2:  1 [[male symbol]] kept:  white face, &c.
Homocidus obscuripes  1 [[male symbol]] at 1: not kept.
Thersilochus?  [[male symbol, male symbol]], & 1 [[female symbol]] on Salix at 1.  1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]] kept & mtd. on same card.
Triclistus podagricus??  1 [[female symbol]] at 1;  but as usual too long petiole &c.
Procto.  1 [[male symbol]] at 2.  cf. ligatus?:  group 2 of [[male symbol, male symbol]]
= Exallonx

Bombus hortorum [[female symbol]] seen on Cabbage flowers in garden 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross, DU. at 2 P.M.

7th May 1939.  

A most perfect morning, after heavy rain the previous (Sat.) evening;  much warmer & very hot sun, SW. breeze, till 3.30 P.M., when a jam formed over Glenasmole & a drizzle started about 4 P.M.

Rode to Glenasmole (Moore's), then walked up to Slade Brook, where willows very backward & some aurita not nearly in flower yet;  then back along E. side of upper reservoir to the "willow glade" opposite Moore's where swept


7.5.39 cont.  Glenasmole, DU.

a little before rain threatened & drove me home.  12 noon - till 4 P.M.

1 = Slade Brook at about 900 ft.
2 = Grove & willows at head of upper reservoir.
{Specimens from 1 & 2 not separated & just labelled "Glenasmole" 7.5.39 but see below.}
3 = Willow-glade above wood, opposite upper end of lower reservoir.  
Specimens from "3" labelled [(3) 7.5.39.]

[5 kept only from 1 or 2 & 5 from 3, these labelled 20/12/1940! AWS.]

Bombus lucorum  [[female symbol], female symbol]] seen.
B. muscorum  1 [[female symbol]] seen by Carex aquatilis patch.
B. jonellus  1 [[female symbol]] at Vaccinium flowers at 1.
B. derhamellus  1 [[female symbol]] seen by bee-bank below 1.
[No B. agrorum or Psithyrus seen]
Aculeates not searched for & none of interest seen.

Dolerus   2 swept at 2: not kept.
Hemiteles  1 [[female symbol]], 21-seg. ant., 19-seg. ant. at 1 or 2.
Hemiteles  1 [[female symbol]] at 2, 21-seg. ant.
Stenomacrus ventralis  1 [[female symbol]] at 1: not kept.
St.  1 [[female symbol]] at 1: not kept.

Campoplegid  1 [[male symbol]] at 2.  Angitia?
Thersilochus?  same as on 3.5.39 at 3: none kept.

Taken by E. O'Mahony at St. Anne's, Clontarf, DU. on 7.5.39.
Pachynematus "xanthocarpus" R.B.B. 1 [[female symbol]]
Chorinaeus tricarinatus?  1 [[female symbol]]
Plectiscus  1 [[female symbol]]
Hemiteles?  1 [[male symbol]]