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17th May '39 cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Helictes  1♂ at 1
Gen. et sp.?  1 black ♂, yellow-marked face, 25-seg. ant., no areolet, very short areolar nerve, otherwise like Eclytus fontinalis but head not cubical: = put with Mesoleius cf. ♀ taken on 21.5.39 
Stenomacrus ventralis  ♀♀ at 1 & 3: none kept
St. sylvaticus?  1♂ at 3, dark legs, 28-seg. ant., no areolet
St. cf deletus & concinnus?  1♂ at 2, pale legs & face, 28-seg. ant. areolet in forewings

Campoplegid  ♀ 1 small at 2 = Angitia?

Apanteles  1♂ at 2.
Euphorus fascialis Th.?  2 (1♂, 1♀) at 2, testaceous antennae, &c.
Aspilota vulgaris??  1♂ at 1: possibly a pale-legged nigrescens?
Aspilota bicarinata Sp.7  1♀ at 3:  Type! basal abd. seg. long, slender, with 2 keels from base to apex; 2nd cubital cell short: near crassicosta?  AWS 25-12-1940
Pentaplura  1♀ at 2
Phaenocarpa galatea  2♂, male symbol]], 1♀ at 2 on willows

Oenone ringens  1♂ at 2.


17.5.39 cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Dacnusa stramineipes  1♂ at 2.
D. pubescens √  1♂ at 2.
D. areolaris, D. maculipes 1♀ at 2 kept, D. longiradialis  1♂ at 1 kept, and D. laevipectus  1♀ at 2, all seen.

Aphidius  ♂ on Salix at 2.
Proctos.  2 at 1 & 1 at 2:-
Diptirom : 1 at 2 = 

20.5.39.  Taken by E O'Mahony in St Anne's, Clontarf, DU.
Stenomacrus  1♂
Omorga??  1♀

20.5.39.  Garden, 14 Clareville Rd. Harold's Cross, Dublin P.M.
Sawfly  1♂ = = Pteronidea ribisii  ♂
Barichneumon albicinctus  1♂

17th May 1939.  2.0 till 2.30 P.M.
Garden, 14 Clareville Rd, Harold's Cross, DU.

Bombus lucorum ♀ gathering from Brassica flowers
Odynerus sp. ♂.  One seen on Red Currant bush but head on & not identified
Pimpla flavicoxis  1♂ at Ellis's ivy on wall.
Trypetid Aipteron: =

17.5.39 St. Anne's, Clontarf, DU. E. O'Mahony.
Glypta scalaris?  1♀. 
Homocidus pallipes  1♀
Meteorus chrysophthalmus, a fine ♀.