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23rd May 1939. 

The second of two very hot sunny days, but unlike 22nd there was a very strong N.W. wind today.  At 5.30 saw several Crabro varuis ♂♂ in back garden (for 1st time 1939).  Garden, 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross, DU.

Crabro varius  several ♂♂.
Halictus leucopus  ♀♀ at wall, where some seen several times during last couple of weeks.
Nematinus fuscipennis  1♂ "induced" by Alder tree!

24th May 1939.

Dull, with very wet drizzle about 2 P.M. over hills, which left the open ground far too wet to sweep;  after two very hot days.  Very many insects swept under trees, but mainly common species.
Slade of Saggart, DU. by bus! 2.45 till 5.0 P.M.
1 = extreme upper, right bank, of glen & tributary glen from Crooksling.
2 = right bank at foot-stick (below sandpit) & left bank on "plateau" all the way down to old road under trees.


24.5.39.  Slade of Saggart, DU. cont.

3 = by stream & under trees, on & along old road, left bank, near foot of the slade.
[22 from 1, 41 from 2 & 11 from 3 kept: those from "1" & "3" so labelled, but those from "2" merely "Saggart"  AWS. 30.12.1940]
Bombus agrorum & lucorum  ♀♀ seen: no other species.
Vespa:  several ♀♀ seen, probably all vulgaris.
Cratichneumon sp. ♂♂: none kept.
Cratocryptus?  1♀ at 3.
Hemiteles, Phygadeuon & other Cryptids:  many ♂♂ & some ♀♀ but few kept: as follows:-
Hemiteles  1♂ at 3.

Cryptus  1 red ♂ at 2.
Atractodes tenebricosus?  several taken: none kept.
Pezomachus  1♂ at 3; no ♀ seen.

Perilissus filicornis  several ♂♂: none kept.
Mesoleius (none kept!)
Promethes cognatus  1 fine ♀ at 1.
Homocidus flavolineatus?  1♀ at 3:  var. with black coxae!!!  Very interesting!!! AWS. 30.12.1940.
Cteniscus  1♂ at 2.
Polyblastus  1♂ at 2.