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14th June 1939. 

Warm, rather drizzly, W. wind, after several showery days; no sun.
Drove in afternoon to Glending, near Blessington, to try the car, which I had on the road for the first time since December 1938, when the hard frost of week before Xmas burst the water jacket of engine, & which had been replaced by another block got from London.

[32 kept & these labelled 4/1/41. A.W.S.]

Glending Co. KD-WI.  3.30 till 5 P.M.
A few insects collected in marsh at NW end & in Co. KD., but almost all right under trees & in scrub of plantation on Co. WI. side: not separated

Bombus lucorum  ♀♀ & B. agrorum ♀♀ seen.
Tenthradella livida  ♂♂
T. ferruginea  1♀ 
Pachyprotasis rupae  1♀
All Co. WI.
Selandria flavens? in marsh, Co. KD.


14-6-39 cont.  Glending, KD-WI. cont.

Glypta Femorator?  1♂, small, blackish legs, tufted clyperes
G. similis?  1♀.

Tryphon signator  1♀ on oak at boundary wall: not kept.
Homocisus? sp. n. near subopaca & tricolor  1♂ & 1♀. 
H. cinctus  1♂.
Promethes sulcator  1♂: not kept.
Stenomacrus  ♂ & ♀. = S.vafer? with 22 & 19-seg. ant. respectively
Exothecus incertus  1♀.
Mesochorus sp.  1♂: not kept.
Microgaster sp. not kept.

Microctonus sp.  1♀: 22-seg. ant.
Macrocentrus nitidus?  1♀, 46-seg. ant.
M. n. sp. Lyle!  1♀ 31 seg. ant.
Leiophron subrulcatus Th.?  1♀
Centistes lucidator  1♂
Opiua cf saevus?  1♀

Biosteres carbonarius H.  1♂.