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18th June 1939. 

A threatening morning after a couple of unsettled days, heavy rain starting at 10.30 A.M. when a SW-NW jam formed.  Therefore drove West to get into NW wind area as soon as possible.  Little rain west of Leixlip, but storms later.  Drove via Summerhill, Ballivor & Raharney, to Riverdale House, 1 mile S. of Raharney, where collected in plantation & edge of bog for a couple of hours.  
Flies very tiresome & sweeping hampered by shower on arrival & another later.
Wind very strong, NW., but shelter good.

[48 specimens kept & these labelled 7/1/1941 et seq. A.W.S.]

Riversdale, Co. WH.  1 till 3.30 P.M.

Bombus lucorum & agrorum  ☿☿ seen.
Psithyrus distinctus  1♀ seen
Andrena subopaca?  1♀ by road.
Antaeon  1♂.

Tom luteiventris & Athalia sp. the only sawflies seen, but many Nematine larvae on Salix cinirea along back avenue to R. House;  to young to bring home.

E. side of road = 1
W. side & back avenue = 2


18.6.39 cont.  Riverdale, WH. cont.

Amblyteles armatorius  1st ♂ of season at 2.
Hemiteles  1♂
Pezomachus  1♂ at 1.

Atractodes  1♀ at 1.
A.  1♂.
Ischnocerus filicornis  3♀♀ at small stump at 1: one kept.
Acrodactyla degener  1♀ at 1
[No Pimplas seen!]

Promethes vulcator  2♂♂
Exochus pictus  1 at 1.
Stenomacrus  ♂ & 1♀ at 1: = S. cubiceps.
St. minutus  1♀ at 2
Mesoleius  several at 1 & 2.

A heavily sculptured, red abd., ♀ at 1

Miomerus √ sp.  1♂ at 1.
Plectiscus communis  1♀ at 1, not kept.
Symplacis sp. cf. basalis or xanthostoma, but clypeus dark red.
Aperileptus  1♂