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23.6.39 P.M. cont.  Craigellachie, cont.

Thalictrum alpinum by small rocky rill, with Pyrola minor, Tofieldia & very fine show of Pinguicula vulgaris.   Selaginella & Lycopodium Selago both rare & neither of other Lycopodium seen at all.  Carex pauciflora frequent by marshy flats & rills, while C. goodenovii, panicca, pilulifera, [[?inersis]], stellalata, oederi, hornschachiana, pulicaris, dioica & pallescens also seen;  the last quite frequent in the ascent above hotel reservoir.  Juniperus communis represented only by a few stunted plants, a foot or less across & almost prostrate.

Geranium sylvatica  2 plants at almost 1400.

No Bombi seen at all.

All the insects swept on way down through birch wood,just before rain & after considerable fall in temperature.  

Selandria morio 1♀.
Firmicarufa many bugs ants up to 1200 at least scan hi & me
jumped ♂ swift-off bird irth dogon of ♀♀:3♀♀ kept.
F. fucea [[??]] down. [45 specimen kept & there labelled Aviemore EI. AWS. 23-6-39 PM.  25/2/41 AWS.]
Myrmica ruyinodis " " :1♀ kept.

Gratichneumon of. near fabricator 1♂ 
Hemitiles? 1♂ , 21 - reg. stout antennae.


23-6-39 PM. cont. Graigellachie cont.
Homocideus pulcher 1 dark ♂. Monoblaster? of.? 1♂.
Orthocentrus Fulsipes 1♀ & ? also a ♂, irth 30 & 29 reg. ant. reap.
Shenonacrus up. near jalcation 1♂, 25- reg. ant. [[image sketch]]
St. cubiceps 10♂♂, with 26-28 - reg. ant., of variable size & colour y legs; 1 times ♀ irth
23 - reg. ant. one ♂ has curious aberrant radial cell in right [[?]] (left in normal) see sketch above
Absyrtus luteus 1♀.
"Anomalon minutuni Bdg." ? 1♂, 41 - reg. ant.; Fat & can see no Lairs on [[?]]. AWS. 26-2-41.
Anilavtia caedator? 1♀. Tresochorus fulgarans? 1♂
Tnesochorus 3♀♀. M. up 1♀, 33- reg. ant. red sternum, with 37 - reg. ant. & black sternum:
Helictes 1♂, 28 - reg. ant. Aperileptus of . 1♂, 20 - reg. ant.
Mesochorus up: 1♂, 27 - reg. ant.
Apanteles lateralis? 1♀. A. triangulator ?? 1♂.
Diospilus capito 2♀♀, with 22 & 23 - reg. ant.
Gramptodon pumilio 1♂.
Pentapleura pumilio 1♀.
Diabriid : red abd. 1 =
Phenoserbhid 1♂ =

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