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24th June 1939. 

After a gale & rain from NW at night, a cold day with strong wind (NW) & frequent skiffs of rain, with only a few gleams of sun between, mostly in forenoon.

In afternoon walked up Dubh Allt, a glen about 2 miles S. of Aviemore.  In afternoon Mr. Eric Hosking drove us to Loch-an Eilan, alt 840 ft., where we spent a couple of hours walking round loch, where the last British Osprey nested, & admiring the remnants of the old Caledonian forest, Scots Pine, Juniper, Birch, Alder, Mt. Ash, Aspen (v. rare), with much Vacc. Vitis-Idaea beneath, as well as Empetrum, Trientalis, Polypmum viviparum in one place, but no oak, no hazel & no [[?whins]] or holly or ash or thorn.  
Bombus lucorum  1♂ seen at (?) Cowberry & some spp. of Bombus heard at Mt. Ash in flower.

No insects collected in afternoon!

24-6-39 AM.  Duth Allt, 2 miles S. of Aviemore, 11-12 A.M.     
Pompilus black sp. ♂♂ on roadside bank S. of Aviemore
Oedematopsis scabricula  ♂.
Campoplegid ♂ or = Anilasta??
Sigalphus rimulosus?  ♀ [seems to agree only well with Thomson's species. AWS. 27/2/41} 
Leiophron edentatos ♀ 
Oenone hians  1
Apanteles ♂, em 7-7-39, from cocoon taken on moss. - in Aviemore box at end of 28/6/39 catch 


25th June 1939. 

A slightly better day, but still cold & mainly dull, with strong N. wind & frequent skiffs of rain.  Everything very wet & sweeping quite out of the question till late in afternoon when the bushes (Salia & Birch) began to dry a little.  Sunday!

In forenoon walked via Inverdruie towards Loch an Eilan & turned N. through the forest to Coylum Bridge.  On road near Inverdruie saw, at close quarters, my first Crested Tit & later Crossbills & Siskin.  
Collected only 
Formica rufa  ☿. 
Acrodactyla degener ♀ 
1 beetle} all morning

Under sycamore leaf near Inverdruie & beside R. Druie took one Acrodatyla degener Hal. ♀.  Saw 2 or 3 Bumbles, all B. lucorum ♀♀ & a couple of Vespa queens, probably vulgaris. 

Much nice natural open forest with some fine old Pinus sylvestris & Juniper, much Betula alba, a few Rowan, occasional Populus tremula, but no oak, ash, thorn, holly, or hazel, & no gorse.  The carpet beneath mainly Calluna, Vacc. Vitis-Idaea, V. myrtillus with occasional Erica cinerea, E. tetralix, Luzula pilosa.
[[marginalia]] No Luzula sylvatica! [[/marginalia]]