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26th June 1939. 

A memorable day, for Daisy George & I climbed Braeriach, 4248 ft., & had a splendid day, though from 1 P.M. till 8 P.M. Aviemore experienced heavy rain. Went by car as far as "the locked gate", then walked through part of Rothiemurchus Forest & up Glen Einich to a point half way between the 1st & 2nd bothy, where we turned & made straight up the hill to Coire-an-Lochan [[Lochain]]. We left the car (about 1,000 ft. alt.) at 9.50 & reached the Loch, 3,250 ft. at 1.45, had lunch & started for summit of Braeriach at 2.15, reaching the cairn at 3.30. After a few minutes there admiring the view, which included almost half of Scotland, I believe Skye, Ben Nevis, Ben Wyvis & dozens of other peaks we could not identify, we started the descent by crossing the plateau, mostly over 4,000 ft., (skirting the Wells of Dee) to the head of Coire Dhoundail & down this to the upper Bothy above the outlet of Loch Einich. 

Then back to car at the locked gate which we


26.6.'39 cont. Braeriach, &c, cont.

reached at 7.40. Distance covered at least 20 miles not counting the climbing.

On the way through Rothiemurchus forest caught a Bombus lapponicus, ♂, very fresh;  saw several B. lucorum & two B. muscorum two ♀♀;  & took 1♀ Vespa vulgaris & saw others;  also one Ich. taken - a male = Barichneumon albicinctus. During the ascent no Bumbles seen, but one Dipteron the deer Bot Fly (Cephenomyia auribarbis My.) fide Edwards, so like a male Bombus as to deceive me until it lit in stone where captured 

Small moths plentiful (= Psodos coracina Esp.) & 2 taken for verification (one given to M.S. Dudley Westropp). 

Carabus catenulatus taken by loch in Coire-an-Lochan & several more seen up to summit & after. Reddish beetle (Nebria gyllenhali) very common about the loch & several more seen above same. A black species  (   ) taken above loch at about 4,000. Small black flies & a "Daddy" were very common, here & there, all the way up. The loch yielded a "Pond Skater" (Gerris costae fide J.H. Halbert) but no possible spot for 

Transcription Notes:
Braeriach - mountain in Scotland Aviemore - town near Braeriach