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10.7.39 cont.  Loch Morar cont.

Chalcids  5 = 
Cynipid  1.
Beetles  9, including 3 Luperus rufipes Scop., common on birch in Scotland, but not recorded for Ireland - might occur in Donegal, e.g. Glenveagh.

11th July 1939.

A very fine morning with some hot sun, then dull & turning to drizzling showers at 2.30, which lasted till 3.30, then gradually finer & cooler.  A very good day spoiled to some extent by the rain.

Walked by road to Beasdale & on to shore of Loch-nan-Uamh.  Collected at intervals between Arisaig & Beasdale station (= 1) & beyond Beasdale St. in several places under oak-birch & alder scrub, mostly in sheltered damp places, both before & after rain.


11th July 1939 cont.  Arisaig to Beasdale cont.

65 insects from 1 and about 170 from 2 labelled respectively:-

1 = roadside A. to Beasdale = [A - Beasdale WI. AWS. 11.7.39] and
2 = Woods, &c., S. of Beasdale = [Beasdale WI. AWS. 11.7.39]

Bombus lucorum  many ♀♀ & a few ☿☿.
B. muscorum  ♀♀ & ☿☿ frequent.
B. hortorum  at least six ♀♀ seen at Foxglove & possibly a ☿ also at same flower.
Psithyrus distinctus  1♂ on bramble at 1.
Andrena coitana  ♀ on buttercups at 1.
Vespa rufa  ☿ at 1, very "red" variety.

Crabro varius  2♀♀ at 1; others seen.
Formica rufa at 1:  3☿☿ kept.
Myrmica ruginodis & scabrinoides  1☿, of each at 2, kept.
Two Diptera = 
Sawflies 2 = Pachynematus vagus ♀ at 1;  Dolerus nigratus  1♀ at 2.
Athalia lugens  1♀ at 2.
A. lineolata  1♀ at 2.
Cratichneumon cf. fabricator  1♂ at 2, antennae pale beneath, 34 seg.
Phaeogenes? sp.?  1♀ at 2, with reddish 23-seg. ant.
Idiolispa analis?  1♀.
Exolytus sp. ♂, with 28-seg. ant. at 2.
Microcryptus? sp.?  2♂♂ at 2, with yellow face & 26-seg. ant.
13 other Cryptines (? Phygadeuinai or Hemitelini): 6 at 1, 7 at 2 as follows.