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11.7.39 cont.  Arisaig to Beasdale, cont.

Cryptine cont.  
Sp. 1  1♂ at 1 with 26-seg. ant.
Sp. 2  1♂ at 2 with 25-seg. ant.
Sp. 3  4 ♂♂ with 20, 21, 22 & 22 seg. ant.  2 at 1 & 2 at 2.
Sp. 5  2♂♂ at 1, with 22 & 23-seg. ant.
Sp. 6  1♂ at 1, with 21-seg. ant.
Sp. 7  1♂ at 2 with 20-seg. ant.
Sp. 8  1♂ at 2, with 23-seg. ant.
[See also at foot of page]

Glypta elongator  1♂ at 1.
Exochus lineifrons  ♂ at 2: in coll.
Stenomacrus ventralis  1 pallid ♀ at 1, 23-seg. ant.
Stenomacrus (Neurateles) brunnens sp. n.  1♀ at 1, 20-seg. ant., mainly brownish (but possibly due to immaturity!) semi-flattened head, slender 3 seg. of ant., entirely smooth 1st tergite, anal nerve emitted above centre, &c.  [Labelled & put in Coll. 25/11/41)
Tryphon cf. incestus  ♂ at 2.
Polyblastus sp. black hind fenora  1♂ at 2.
Mesoleptus sp.?  ♂ at 2.
Mesoleid? sp.? red, matt, abdomen, 37-seg. ant., white banded hind tibiae, 1♀ at 2.
Phobetus leptocerus (?), ♂ at 1.
Paniscus (Parabatus) tarsatus?  1♀ at 2.
Mesochorus sp.  2♂, at 1 & 2.

Campoplegids.  3 at 1, 5 at 2:-
Sp. 1  2♂♂ at 1, 1♂, 1♀ at 2.
Sp. 2  ♀ at 1.
Sp. 3  ♂ at 2.
Sp. 4  ♂ at 2.
Sp. 5  ♀ at 2.

Aperileptus albipalpus?  ♂ at 2.
Plectiscus communis  ♀ at 2.
Proclitus paganus?  1♀ at 1.
Adelognathus dorsalis?  ♂ at 2.

Also at 2  2♂♂ Cryptinae & 1♂, 1♀ Campoplegid, overlooked.


11.7.39 cont.  Arisaig to Beasdale cont.

Bracon obscurator?  ♀, ant. broken, at 2.
Bracon satanas?  1♀, 32-seg. antennae, at 2.
B. sp. near discoideus, 24 seg. ant., head partly testaceous, coxae all pale, at 2.
Colastes hariolator  1♀ at 1, with 35-seg. ant.
Spathius rubidus?  1♂ at 1.
Apanteles  black sp. ♂ (?) at 1.
Apanteles cf. circumscriptus  2♂♂ at 1, 1♀ at 2.
A. sp. small ♂, at 1.
Acoelius subfasciatus?  ♀ at 2.
Microgaster globatus?  1♀ at 1.
Microplitis cf. mediana, dark var. of ♀, at 1.
Euphorus pallidistigma?  4 (? sex), 3 of which are rather pallid (? immature), at 2.
E. pallipes  2 at 1, & 1 at 2.
Perilitus sp.  2♀♀, with 21-seg. ant. at 2.
Rhogas irregularis  1♂, 2♀♀ at 2.
Opius "apiculator" ♂ at 1, 5♂ (2 smashed) & 1♀ at 2.
Opius irregularis?  1♂ at 2, 25-seg. ant.
O. saevus?  1♀ at 1, with 31-seg. ant.
O. aemulus?  small ♀, 27-seg. ant. at 2.
O. cingulatus  1♂, 1♀ at 2, with 33 & 35-seg. antennae resp.
Alysia? sp. n.  1♂ at 2, near tipulae but with huge semi-circular black stigma & only 36-seg. ant.: put in collection.
Alysia tipulae  1 typical ♂, black abdomen, 43-seg. ant. at 1.
Aspilota sciurella miki:  large ♀ at 2 with 23-seg. ant.
A. sp.?  4♂ (ant. 23, 23, 24 & 24), 1♀ (ant. 2) at 2. ? all same sp., ants. longer than body, near vulgaris m.
A. sp.?  1♀ (ant. 21) at 2, near last sp. but ant. shorter.
A. sp.?  2♀♀ at 2 (ant. both 18, short, cf. vulgaris m.
A. sp.?  2♂ (ant. +28 & 19), 1♀ (ant. 17) at 2, with large head & slender reddish ant. like rufata n.
A. sp.?  1♂ at 2, like lat (ant. 18) but 1st tergite flat & quite different
A. rufata miki  2♂ at 2 (ant. +15 & 18).
A. nigrescens miki?  3 wretched little ♂♂ at 2 (ant. 20, 21 & 21).
A. minutissima mike?  1♂, 1♀ at 2 (ant. +20 & 17 resp.), possibly same species as last 3♂♂
A. sp.  ♂ at 2 (ant. 21)
A. sp.?  1 small ♀, cf surcularia m. (ant. 16) at 2.
A. (Synaldis) cf. concolor?  1♂ (ant. 20) at 2.