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13th July 1939 cont.  Arisaig-Rhu, cont.

[24 specimens kept & these labelled "Rhu" on 28/11/41 AWS.]

Bombus lucorum  ♀♀ & ☿☿ seen; rare.
B. muscorum  ♀♀, 1 few faded, seen.
B. jonellus  several ♀ near Rhu.
Andrena gwynana  2nd brood, 1♂, 1♀ at basalt.
A. coitana  1♂ on Hieracium at basalt.
Halictus fregessneri  ♂♂ on Hieracium on basalt.
Athalia lineolata?  1♂ near pier at Rhu.
Centeterus sp.  1♂ in scrub near Morroch.
Platylabus dimidiatus  1♂.
Phygadeuon or Hemiteles?  small ♂ on sea-weed, with 18-seg. ant.
Phygadeuon? sp.  ♂♂ & ♀♀, common on pile of decaying sea-weed in 1st cove S. of pier at Rhu, during hot sun-burst.
Hemiteles small sp.  1♂, with last, others seen on sea-weed, with 19-seg. ant.
Mesoleptus cingulatus  ♀ with red on mesonotum, ventes & sides of thorax, quite unlike fresh specimens which are without red!
Syndipnus lateralis?  1♂.
Hemipteron: Salda sp. amongst sea-weed.

Buzzard seen about 1/2 mile E. of Rhu pier on return.


14th July 1939.

Raining from 8 AM. till 2.30 PM. when we left Arisaig for Glasgow & home.

George left Arisaig by 8.32 A.M. train & travelling by Glasgow, Stranraer & Larne spent night in Belfast & rejoined us the following morning.

We left by 2.37 train to Glasgow & arrived in Belfast by direct steamer at 7 AM.  All caught 8.15 train for Dublin & reached home at 11.20.  Did not collect on either day.