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4/8/39 cont.  Landenstown and W. of Sallins, Co. KD. cont.

Bombus lucorum & agrorum  ☿☿ seen.
B. lapidarius  1☿ seen at 1.
Psithyrus campestris, "black" ♂♂ at 1
Halictus calceatus  ♂♂ at 1
Vespa rufa  ☿ at 1, very pale variety.

Athalia sp. (not taken) at 1 & 2.
Selandria serva  ♀♀ at 2 & 3.
Tenthredella moniliata  1♂ at bog-bean at 4.

Cratichneumon  ♂ at 1 or 2.
Centeterus?  ♂ at 1 or 2.
Phygadeuon? spp.?  2♂♂, of 2 spp., red abd., 21-seg. ant. at 4.
Phygadeuon? sp.?  1 black ♂ at 1 or 2, ant. 24-seg.
Phygadeuon  1♀, brachypterous, very small, at 1 or 2, ant. 17-seg.
Phygadeuon?  1 black ♂ at 1 or 2, ant. 18-seg.
Hemiteles  very small brachypterous sp.  1♂ at 3, with 20-seg. ant.
H. sp. very small, neuration like Stenomacrus, pale abd., cubical head, ant. 18-set. at 3.
Pezomachus sp.  1♂, very red, at 1 or 2
Leptopygus red sp.  2♂♂, with 25-seg. ant. at 1 or 2.
Glypta monocerus  3♀♀ at 4, 1 red, 1 black & 1 intermediate.
G. rostrata  1 black ♀ at 4.
G. cf haesitator  1♀ at 1 or 2.


4/8/39, cont.  Landenstown and W. of Sallins, cont. DK.

Glypta  1 large ♀ at 1 or 2;  red legs, very long terebra.
Bassus lactotorius?  a very small ♀, with fuscous front coxae at 4.
B. annulatus  a ♂ at 1 or 2.
Zootrephus suspiciosus  1♀ at 1 or 2;  2♀♀ at 4.
Phthorimus compressus  1 very large ♀ at 1 or 2.
Homocidus signatus  ♀ at 4.
Polyblastus  1♂ at 4.
Perilissus  1♀ at 1 or 2.
P. pictilis  1♂ at 1 or 2.
Picrostigeus recticauda?  1♀ at 1 or 2.
Mesoleius sp.  1♀ at 1 or 2.
Campoplegids 2 = "Angitia" exareolatus?  1♀ at 4.
Gen. et sp.?  1♀ at 1 or 2.
Cremastus infirmus??  1♀ at 4 = 
Bracon sp. near fraudator, but legs dark, 2♀♀ at 1 or 2, 28-seg. ant.
Rhogas irregularis  ♀ at 4.
R. tristis  1♀ at 1 or 2, another ♀ at 4.
R. nigriceps  1♂ at 1 or 2
Chelonus secutor  1♂ & 1♀ at 1 or 2, with 24 & 22-seg. ant.
Microgaster flavipes  ♀ at 3.
Microplitis mediana  1♀ at 1 or 2.
Blacus ambulans  1♀ at 4.
Opius comatus  1♀, 23-seg. ant. at 1 or 2 (labelled 18/3/41).
O. pallipes? var. with ant. pale at base:  1♂, 1♀ from 1 or 2 (labelled 18/3/41).
O. sp. near celsus & [[?luviulatus]], 1♂at 3, 31-seg. ant., long 2nd abscissa, short 3rd smooth propodeum.
Alloea contracta  1♀ at 3.
Pentapleura pumilio  1♂ at 1 or 2.
Phaenocarpa flavipes  ♂ at 3.
Ph. livida  ♂ at 3.
Adelura flaviventris  ♂ at 3.