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6th August 1939.

After three fine days with E. wind & a perfect morning, wind turned W. causing an intermittent drizzle, very slight, but enough to wet the vegetation, already soaking after a heavy night's dew.  Drove to Trim, but found vegetation along Boyne too dewy to sweep, so then drove S. on Bray Hill, to Summerhill, Agher & on to Royal Canal at Ferns Lock, Co. ME., where collected for an hour & had lunch.  Drizzle getting heavier & heavier all the time.  So left & drove via Donadea & Prosperous to Grand Canal at Landerstown H. (as on 4/8/39!) & swept edge of canal & parallel drain S. of same, both E. & W. of lock, for a couple of hours, but heavy drizzle at times made everything very wet in open.

N. bank of Royal Canal, W. of Ferns Lock, Co. ME.  1 till 2 P.M.
(All swept along edge of canal)
(14 specimens labelled 17/2/42! AWS)

Bombus lucorum, agrorum, nuscorum (1), derhamellus (2♂♂), lapidarius (☿☿ & 1♂) & hortorum seen.
Psithyrus barbutellus seen.
Halictus calceatus fresh ♂♂ very common sweeping.


6.8.39 cont.

R. Canal, Fern's Lock, cont. (ME).

Crabro vagus  1♂ on Angelica by canal.
Tenthredo moniliata
Microcryptus??  1 red ♂.
Pimpla similis?  1 smallish ♀.
Mesoleid, large red ♂, black hind femora =
♂ like a Tryphon but genus & sp.?:  put in box with Tryphon.

Promethes sulcator, pulchellus, dorsalis & cognatus: all examined.
Thersilochus?  1♂, ant. 22-seg.
Bracon cf. fraudator  1♂ (ant. 29), 1♀ (ant.) 26.

Proctos  4. = 

Dacnusa longiradialis, areolis & maculipes:  all examined & not kept
Dacnusa marginata Hop. (= limbata P2) frequent & ♂ & ♀ taken in [[?cup]], kept & mounted.