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7/2/40, cont.

The first time seen since the Frost & since 1st Dec. 39. He looked well & plump but very black in colour. At 1 p.m. he was sitting on whaling vertebra against motor house wall & was quite bright yellow & spotted (? due to washing by rain or change of colour) see note under date 21-4-40 → A.W.S.

Feb. continued  The remainder of the month varied from dry & cold, with slight frost, to very wet & mild, with a few very mild days at the end, 26th & 27th being almost summer-like, 28th wet & cold all day with rain in the hills, 29th & 1st March, dry & very keen strong E. wind. Fog again out on 24th Feb., Saxifraga appositifolia in front garden (S. bed) with a few flowers open on 25th; Japanese Cherry next door to Westropp's house with a few flowers on 26th, white yellow, white & purple crocuses in Westropp's front garden in full flower, one white crocus by path to front gate (11+ Celereville Rd!) in flower on



26th Feb. also, by which date large flowered (from Snowdon) Sax. app. in front garden (W. bed) also out & flower open on Welsh plants in back garden also.

31st Feb. Almond in Kenilworth Square nearly out & trees in Earlsfort Terrace at same stage. Chionodoxa under drawing room window with one flower up but not open & yellow Sax. apiculata not yet open.

1st March 1940.  Bright sun all day, but a very strong & keen E. wind. Salix cinerea & bark in back garden with a few catkins nearby in front garden.

2nd March.  Purple Crocus in front garden by path to gate up, but did not actually open till 3rd which was all sunny after a frosty night.

3rd March.  First flowers in Flowering Currant in back garden open. Chionodoxa flower open. First flower in Almond Trees in Earlsfort Terrace open.

Transcription Notes: