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4th-10th March 1940. Dry, dull, with cold E. wind till 9th when a drizzle set in which lasted all day, heavier in late afternoon; thence very mild (warm) over week-end. 
On 6th (Wed.) went to Greystone in afternoon to pay return call on Mr. H. B. Preston + with him went on to [Condroin?] sandpit at Killincarrig, where the Pliocene (?) shells have come from -- a very fine forenoon, but dull + chilly in afternoon. On way back to Greystone he took me to see "The Cherry Orchard" at Killincarrig, still kept up by Mr. Devereux + well worth seeing. The main cherry grove made up mostly of very old trees, whose trunks have huge swellings on them, due I think to the Cherry Moth (                    ), but this does not I understand interfere with the bearing of the trees. These "swellings" might yield some interesting parasites + the place would pay working in June. Saw a tremendous crop of Coltsfoot in full flower at Bray station + in marshy field near Greystone harbour (inland of sailing!) the willows well in Flower

10th (Sunday) March 1940. 
A fine day, with some sun & slight drizzle in morning. In afternoon drove to Royal Canal at Leixlip station and walked across Rye Water Aquaeduct, along tow path for a mile & through some adjoining fields. [[Saw?]] Primrose in flower in the ditch, collected some Knapweed heads along canal for Trypetid parasites but noted nothing of interest. {From these flower heads of Centaurea nigra I had 3 [[male symbol]] [[male symbol]] & 2 [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]] of [[Bracon centaurea-nigrae?]], up till 2nd June 1940.
11th to 15th March: on leave for five days!  The 11th was a most perfect day with much hot sun, mild and warm, genial, so that after week-end rain everything could be seen growing.  Almond trees all out, Chionodoxa in front garden coming up & into flower in dozens, [[Sat.?]] apiculata in side bed opened its flowers, Primula sikkinensis [[sikkimensis]] (or cashmeriana ?) now well in flower, sedges in back garden (C. stricta) pushing up shoots through foliage, [[female symbol]] Salix Cinerea catkins almost out & Salix aurita suddenly showing silvery [[buds?]].  Frog and 3 [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]] Vespa (one certainly V. vulgaris) seen in back garden.
12th March.  Dull, rain in afternoon & evening, cooler.  Spent day putting up additional shelves in drawing room.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure if male/female symbols correctly done.