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14th March 1940. A fine day but very keen and cold NNW wind. 

In afternoon drove to Glenasmole & walked up E. side & round head & down W. side of Upper Reservoir. Very cold wind! Snow on higher hills above 2,000 ft.

A few willows out here & there, but not many ferns. Saw no hymenoptera.

15th March 1940. Catkins on ♀ Salix cinerea in back garden in flower (pistil showing) on this date & Honey Bee seen visiting same on 17th, which was very mild.

17th March 1940.  Almost a warm day, with some sun in afternoon, after a wet night & very dull morning. In afternoon drove to Judy's Parish, 1/2 way up Slade of Saggart & walked east up boreen to Mt Seskin. No hemenoptera seen.


17/3/40.  Opius pallipes Wesmael.  Made a somewhat critical examination of the series of specimens which I had gradually accumulated under the name, as I knew this contained more than one species, some having short & some quite long terebra for instance; also I felt that some had been carelessly examined & were obviously not that species.  Conclusion! : --

Sp. 1. O. pallipes Wesm.  2 ♀♀ (Saggart, DU. AWS. 29.9. 55 & Tullaphan, LE. A.W.S. 6.7.36 P.M.) seem to agree well with Wesmael's description & have, respectively, 26- & 25-segmented antennae.

None of the others (12) in the series seem to be the same, though in Marshall's key most of these can only run to this species.  They are as follows : -

Sp. 2. 1 ♂, 1 ♀, both with 26-seg. antennae,( These have the mouth open! A.W.S. 1941.) taken in same place (Saggart, DU.) & on same date as the 1st ♀ pallipe (see above) run to this species in Marshall & [[strikethrough]] apparently [[/strikethrough]] might agree with one of Marshall's "varieties".  They could also be said to agree quite well with the Bracon orbiculator of Nees. These differ essentially from the above pallipes in the following ways: - (1) antennae reddish towards base of flagellum, (2) wings much narrower & shorter, smaller in

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See also ♂ from Aricmore (2). E1. with 29-seg. antennae! 27.6.39 A.M. 
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Transcription Notes:
.Glenasmole, Roseriver, and Saggart are towns in Ireland. Hymenoptera and Opius pallipes Wesmael are insects. Boreen is a country road.