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17.3.1940 cont.  Opius off. (notes on).

every way, (3) radius not angled where it meets with 2nd (transparent!) intercubital, but bent [[image]], & beyond this very sinuous to apex (4) base of abdomen partly rufous or picco-rufous, especially in ♀, (5) legs paler, hind femora more slender. I have labelled these "? orbiculator (→ = O. flexnosus sp.n. A.W.S. 26.3.1941) Nees"! A.W.S. 17.3.40

Sp. 3. {Also another ♀ with 25-seg. ant. from Clara, WI., 4.9.38! AWS. 1940.  1 ♀, Curracloe, WX. G.M.S. Ru. Colt. 29.7.37.  Somewhat like sp. 2, with 27-seg. ant, base of antennae similarly pale (reddish), small wings, stigma smaller & paler, radius angled at interception of 2nd intercubital basal abdominal segment black, very timid & [[?]] above, 2nd abd. seg. bright reddish testaeceum, remainder rufo-piccous, all femora short & very stout, but testaeceum to base of conae & it cannot be crassipes Hm. labelled "sp. 3" 17.3.40! AWS. = 
femoralis mihi AWS 12.3.1941.

Ch 4. 1 ♂, 1 ♀ Tallaghan, LE. AWS. 24.6.36 (2)
1 ♀. Killurin, WX. AWS. 22.7.37.
1 ♀. Bellevue, WI. AWS. (1) 21.9.37.
1 ♂. Tullaghan, LE. AWS. 3.8.38 9 P.M.
all I think are demulus Hal.& have faintly crenulate sternauli AWS. 26.3.1941


17.3. 40 cont.  Opius notes cont.

[Sp. 4 cont.] All these, 2 ♂♂, & 3 ♀♀, are very close to "Sp. 2," ♀♀, but the ♀♀ less than terebra apparently longer, quite 1/4 abdomen, & all have radius angled at interception of 2nd transverse cubital & not so sinuous beyond. The pale (at base) anntennae separate the ♂♂ from pallipe. Labelled "sp. 4. 17.3.40!" AWS.

Sp. 5.  1 ♀, Powerscourt, WI. A.W.S 4.10.28, previously mounted flat, face down, was found to have the "mouth open" when mounted & runs to sacrus or instabilis but has 27-seg. ant. I have therefore put it down tenatively as a small ♀ sacrus! A.W.S. 18.3.40.

Sp. 6.  1 ♂, Killoughter, WI. A.W.S. 3.9.33.
This was obviously misplaced as it has crenate sternati, erected recurrent nerve, 28-seg ant., quite closed mouth & no trace of pre-scutellar forea, i.e. dimple. In Marshall's key it runs to leptostigma or parvulus both of which are quite impossible. The legs bore a rich reddish testaccous h & body rather black & stout, at least 1 line long. Labelled "Sp. no. 6., 18.3.1940!" A.W.S.

= [[flasinersii?]] miki 10.3.41!

Transcription Notes:
.first image is picture of wing Male is not written out - symbol =o.flexnosus in an insertion - not sure if formula