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12.5.40, cont.  Clara, WI, cont. 

Pimpla brevicornis  1 ♀.
P. maculator  1 ♀, not kept.
P. detrita group  1 ♀ (? where)
P. turinellae group  1 ♂, small, at 3.
P. sp., black hind legs  1 ♂, at 1.

Phytodictus ruficornis  1 beautiful ♂ at 3.
Triclistus podagricus  ♀ (?)
Chorinaeus  1 (? where)
Stenomacrus [[strikethrough]] laricis? [[/strikethrough]] ♂ at 1.  
St. cubiceps?  ♂ at 1.
St. cf sylvestris?  ♂ at 1. 
St. [[strikethrough]] laricis [[/strikethrough]] ? ♂ at 2. St. 
minutus?  ♀ at 2.

Mesolieus  2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ (? where)

Monoblastus ??  1 ♀ (? where) with 34-seg ant.
Grypocentrus  1 ♀ (? where) with 19-seg. ant.
Lathrolestes cf ungularis?  ♀ at 1.

Homocidus obscuripes  1 ♀
Bassus varicoxa  1 ♂ (at 1?)


12.5.40, cont.  Clara., WI., cont.

Paniscus (not kept) abundant all through wood
Campophids  red & black sp. (not kept).
C.  black & yelloow sp.  1 at 4
Campoplegids:  about a dozen taken, kept the following 2 only = 1 female at 1 = 1 male at 3 =
Thersilochus  3 female female at 1 (3 spp.)  1 male =

Mesoleius (not kept).

Plectiscid  ♂ at 1 = & ♀ at 3 =
Exothus  1 ♂ at 1 = Oncophanes lanceolator.

Sigalphus vernalis miki?  1 ♀ at 1.
Rhogas circumscriptus?  1 ♂ at 3, var. with red hind femora.
Apanteles sp.? 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀ on Sycamore at 3, near caiae but wont run down in Marshall's table!
Apanteles spp. several, not mounted!
Meteorus melanostictus  ♂♂  2 ♂♂ from 1 mtd;  1 ♂ from 2.  Very common (? at hazel shrub)
M. scutellator  1 ♂ at 2.
M. pulchricornis  1 ♂ (? where).

Transcription Notes:
Perhaps replace "2 only = 1 female at 1 = 1 male at 3 =" with: "2 only = 1 ♀ at 1 = 1 ♂ at 3 =" "Thersilochus 3 female female at 1 (3 spp.) 1 male =" replace "female" and "male" with respective symbols. Thersilochus is a questionable reading. "Sigalphus vernalis miki? 1 ♀ at 1." add comma after ♀