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15th May 1940. 

A rather poor day after two glorius sunny ones, wind changing from NNW to SE at 2 p.m. produced a jam with slight drip & chilly wind till 5 p.m. when again fair & sunny.  In afternoon went to Glenasmole, but hymenoptera very rare indeed & 3 hours sweeping produced only a meagre catch.

Glenasmole, DU. 2.30-5.30
1 = flat between Moores house & garden & the river up to the ford
2 = under trees S. of ford on right bank of river up to footbridge
3 = under trees from footbridge to Moore's on the left bank of river.

[No aculeates seen where I was!] except ants & 1 ♂ Anteon at 3

[15 specimens mostly  Ephedrus, from 3 labelled 31.1.41. AWS.]
[18 from 1 & 9 from 3 also mounted & these labelled 11/11/42 et seq. AWS.]

Swaflies  3 at 3 = Empria alector ♀?
Allantus carpini?  ♀.
Blennocampa tennuicornis  ♀
Anteon  1 ♀ at 1.
Anteon  1 ♂ at 3: labelled 18/3/41.
Cratichneumon  ♂♂ frequent.  1 ♂ from 1 mounted = C. magus?


15.5.40, cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Cryptids:  about a dozen
1 ♂ from 1 = 
Exolytus  ♂ at 1.
Hemiteles  ♀, black, near bicolorinus?, at 3.
Phytodictus  2 ♀♀ at 1
Pimpla turinellae group  1 ♂.
P. brevicornis  1 small ♂
Stenomacrus ventralis  ♀♀ abundant at 2 & 3, none kept.
Picrostigeus recticauda?  1 ♀ at 3.
Stenomacrus  1 ♂ at 1.
Polyblastus  1 red abd., at 1.

Transcription Notes:
Replacing symbol for male with "male" and symbol for female with "female" 2. Why? The instructions have changed about this & it is now unclear what the Smithsonian wants in relation to use of symbols or written words in [[]]