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15.5.40, cont.  Glenasmole, DU., cont.

Aphidius ulmi?  1 ♀ at 3.
A. pascuorum??  1 ♂, 1 ♀, mtd. on same card, at 3.
Monoctonus caricis  1 ♂. 

Proctos.  Very rare, only a few seen and taken. 

On Sycamore leaves a 2 collected some black "stung" Aphides from which Proctos & Chalcids subsequently bred in June 1940 =

15.5.40. Garden, Harold's Cross, DU.
Bombus lapidarius  ♀ seen 2 p.m.

18th. May 1940. Garden, Harold's Cross, DU. 
First Crabo of season seen at 9 A.M. in very hot sun: no doubt a ♂ C. varius.
First flowers of [[strikethrough]] Cestus [[/strikethrough]] Helianthemum vineale from Co. Clare & Veronica saxatilis from Norway opened.

18 5. 40. 
E. O'Mahony took another ♂ Ideasta maritima & 2 ♀♀ Bracon praetermissa? on salt-marsh behind the North Ball, Dollymount Co. DU.


19th May 1940. 

A most perfect day after a hazy morning.  Entirely sunny, with a gentle to fairly strong E. breeze according to situation.

Drove first to Raheen, just N. of Carrigower Bridge (on Dunlavin Rd.) where spent an hour, then on to Georges Bridge on R. Slaney, where latter cuts through moraine at [[strikethrough]] entrance to [[/strikethrough]] exit from the Glen of Imnaal.  Insects abundant at former & in shade at latter, but retired as the day wore on.  All Co. WI.

R. = Raheen, where swept marsh & sides of stream, &c. for 1/4 mile below Dunlavin - Carrigower Bridge road 12 noon till 1 pm.
G.B.1 = left bank of R. Slaney above George's Bridge, especially swamp & scrub, 1/4 side up stream 1.30 till 4'0 pm.
G.B.2 = left bank below George's Bridge to swamp & scrub near Waterloo Bridge 4:30 till 5.30 P.M.  Very few insects taken at G.B.2.  Almost the whole catch of Ichs. & many Braconids packed up in papers. 

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