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19.5.1940, cont.  Raheen & George's Br., WI., cont.

Bombus muscorum  ♀♀ frequent at R.
B. derhamellus  1 ♀ at G.B.1.
B. lucorum, hortorum, agrorum, lapidarius ♀♀ seen.
Andrena jacobi, subopaca? seen.
Nomada flaviguttata  ♀ seen.
Aculeates not sought or even noted!

Dolerus niger  1 ♀, nigratus, picipes, palustris  1 ♂, & oblongus (♂♂ & ♀♀ common) at G.B.1
Empria alector?  ♀ at G.B.1.
E. liturata??  2 ♀♀ at G.B.1.

(23 from Raheen, 42 from G.B.1 & 11 from G.B.2 mounted & these labelled 13/11/42 et seq AWS.  Also from G.B.1 or Raheen brought home in ether bottle:  these labelled "George's Bridge" but marked simply "19.5.40" & neither "(1)" nor "(2)" )

Selandria flaveus  ♂ at G.B.1.
Ametastegea equiseti  ♂ at G.B.1.
Pachynematus diaphanus  ♂ at G.B.1.
Pristiphora quercus  small ♀ at G.B.1.

Goniocryptus?  ♂ at Raheen = 
Leptocryptus  red ♂ at "George's Br." = L.

19.5.40, cont.  Raheen & George's Br., WI. cont.

Orthocentrus  ♂ at "George's Br." = cf longicornis & macrocerus Strobl.
Mesoleius  small red ♂ at "Georges Br." = 
Hadrodactylus cf. typhae  ♂ at G.B.1.
Cteniscids  ♂ at Raheen labelled "George's Br." = Smicroplectrus bohemani

Polyblastus  black hind femora, 1 at Raheen.
P.  red hind femora, 1 at Raheen.

Homocidus pallipes  ♂ at Raheen.
H. tarsatorius  ♀ at G.B.1.
H. bizonarius  ♂ at "George's Br."