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19.5.40, cont.  Raheen & George's Br., WI., cont.

Dacnusa lestes  ♂ at G.B.2.
Dacnusa postica  ♂ at R. 
D. evadne  2 ♂♂ at G.B.1.
D. semirugosa  ♂ at R., with 37-seg. ant. 
D. sp. near timula  ♂ at G.B.S., with 26-seg. ant. & faint sternauli.
D. cytherea?  1 small ♀ at G.B.1., with 28-seg. ant. & practically red hind femora.
D. n. sp. near fallax  3 beautiful ♂♂ at G.B.1., with 35 & 36-seg. ant. = glabricollis.
D. glabricollis sp. n.  2 ♀♀ at G.B.1., with 29 & 30-seg. ant., belongs to senilis group, but ovipositor not projecting, propleura glabrous &c.  Type & paratype!
D. sp. near lateralis  1 at G.B.1.
D. affinis v. granulata  ♂, large, at G.B.1.
D. melanocera?  1 ♂ at G.B.1., with 28-seg. ant.
D. sp. near last but 35-seg. ant.  1 ♂ at G.B.1.
Toxares deltiger  4 ♂♂ - 3 kept, at G.B.1.;  1 ♀ at R., 1 ♂ at G.B.2
Ephedrus plagiator  ♂ at G.B.1.
E. lacertosus  ♂ at G.B.1.
Aphidius cf. nigripes miki sp.  ♂ with dark legs & 19-seg. ant. at G.B.2.

Proctos. &c.  Only kept 1 ♀ at G.B.1 = 

Three ichneumon given me by Dr. A.A. Lisney as "bred 1940" but whether at Shankill, Co. Dublin or Leicester, England I am not at the moment sure!  (A.W.S. 18/11/42, when labelled!) - Ichneumon deliratorius  ♂ & Agrypon sp. ♂ & ♀


Six ♂♂ of Aphidius ribis? hatched out of stung Aphides collected in garden, 14 Clareville Rd., DU. on White Current leaves a few days previously.


Received a large consignment of hymenoptera (unset) from R.C. Faris:  some from neighbourhood of Boyle, Co. RO., collected in Dn.  F.C. long excursion at Whit 11th-13th May:  others from 3 localities in Co. CV. as follows:-  All later swept off or under Birch.

(1)  Farnman, CV. coll. between 8 & 9 P.M. 16th May.
(2)  Nahillah Park, Cloverhill, 3 till 6.30 P.M. 18th May.
(3)  Gartinardress, 3.30 till 5.30, 19th May.

1.  Farnham, Co. CV.  16th May 1940, 8 till 9 P.M.
Adelognathus  ♂, near brevicornis?, ant. 14-seg.
Biosteres wesmaëlii  ♀, immature wings.  
B. procerus  ♂, also with immature wings.
Dacnusa postica, a huge, dark, ♀:  antennae broken.
Coelinius elegans  ♀, ant. 28-seg.
Ephedrus brevis  ♀.
Proctos.  2 = Disogmus  2 ♂♂.