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R.C. Faris Coll.

2. Nahillah Park, Cloverhill, Co. CV.  18th May 1940. 3 till 6:30 P.M.

Anteon  ♂
A. ♀
Gnamtodon pumilio  ♂
Oenone ringens (? ♂)
Ephedrus brevis  3 ♀♀


3.  Gartinardress, Co. CV.  19th May 1940.

Anteon  2 ♂♂
Exochus notatus  ♂
Calyputs ? sp. n.  ♀, with shorter teribra than tibialis.
Dacnusa melanocera  ♂, ant. 26-seg.
Ephedrus brevis  11 ♀♀♂ - 3 ♀♀ sent to Nixon April 1942 & 3 more returned to Faris as "types"! AWS. 21/4/42.
Trionys n. sp.  1 ♀, of new testaceous sp. with 12-seg. ant.


R.C. Faris coll.
Oakport, Co. RO. 13. 5. 1940.
Only 7 mounted & these labelled 19/11/42! AWS.

Hemiteles inimicus? 3 ♀♀, two of which are very large, one normal
Pimpla detrita group  1 ♀.
Bracon sp.  1 ♂ 24-seg. ant. , black, pale base to tibiae &c.
Opius caesus  ♂
Alysia tipulae?  1 small ♀, with only 31-seg. ant.

First 1940 Homocidus pictus (♂) seen in garden, Harolds Cross, DU., on this date.