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23rd May 1940 - 8 till 9 P.M.

Drove to Glenasmole & went up to top of upper reservoir, where a chilly E wind & very few hymenoptera out except sawflies & ichs:  no Braconids at all.  A few taken beside reservoir on way back, but most insects taken on way down up. dam & under trees between that & S. end of the ford & the latter place & the footbridge;  all the above = 1.  A few taken under trees between footbridge & Moore's house = 2.

Ephedrus lacertosus & 4 Cryptenes alone kept from 2

Glenasmole, Co. DU.  8-9 P.M.
16 mounted & these labelled 19/11/42!  AWS.

Euura  1 ♀, small sp.
E.  2 ♀♀, larger sp.
Homocidus cinctus  1 ♂,
H. tarsatorius √ 1 ♀ at 1
H. obscuripes at 1 & 2.


23.5.1940, cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Stenomacus echninipygus = britteni Waterston  n. sp. ♀, same as that taken in Glenasmole on 13.6.1938:  this ♀ was I believe swept under bushes or tress on way down upper dam & at W. end of same, where much Cotoneaster fugida, &c is planted.
P.T.O. ->

S. ventralis frequent at 1 & 2, ♀♀ only.
Myriarthrus or Megastylus?  ♂
Rhogas nigricornis  1 ♀, with crumpled wings at 1.  49-seg. ant.
Meteorus  1 (not mounted).
Euphorus picipes?  several at 1:  one ♂ mounted 19-seg. antennae.
Eubadizon extensor?  1 ♂, small, with 39-seg. ant. & entirely blackish fuscous thorax, yet no doubt this sp.
Aspilota daemon  ♂.

Dacnusa (see below)  3 taken at S. end of ford beside inlet from "filters":  see 15/5/40, p.53 ante.
D. semirugosa  ♀♂ } Presumably the 3 referred to just above.
D. glabricollis miki  2 ♀♀. } Presumably the 3 referred to just above.
D. lateralis?  1 ♂, with 39-seg. ant.
Ephedrus lacertosus ♂ & ♀ at 2.