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23.5.40, Cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Stenomacrus [[strikethrough]] echninophygus n. sp. [[/strikethrough]] ♀ = britteni Waterston.
Further notes made on this ♀ when seting it on 25.5.40.  Head & basal abd., &c. as in sketch made of type ♀ taken on 13.6.38, head noted to have pale (? membranous) [[image]]-shaped lines separating front from lateral ocelli.  Basal abd. seg. [[strikethrough]] bees [[/strikethrough]] milk-bottle shaped, [[strikethrough]] with neck stouter than a bottle [[/strikethrough]]

Rather too long in proportion to 2nd seg.
Pale greenish turgid membrane
[[?Gastri]] obliquely placed
3rd-seg. very elongate
Sharp keel to anus
About 1 1/4 length of 3rd.

= Stenomacrus (neurateles) britteni Waterston fide J.F. Perkins.


26th May 1940.

Very damp & warm, with a few heavy showers, like thunder, in middle of a secondary depression.  Strong S.E. wind with upper SW cloud drift.  Dull till late afternoon when after a heavy squall with torrential rain sky cleared & sun came out.

Drove to old bog road near Sally View a few miles N.W. of Ballivor & just over the Westmeath - Meath boundary, where have not been for some years.  Insects very abundant, but strong wind made collecting difficult.  All collecting done N. of old road across bog, "Ballyhealy", & most about birch & willow trees or beside streams draining small lake shown on map (1/2" Ord.!) 1 1/2 miles west of where I was.  12.30 noon till 4.0 P.M.

Bombus lucorum  ♀ & ☿
B. agrorum  ♀♀
Halictus leucopus  ♀
Myrmica ruginodis  
Formica fusca
Anteon  ♀
Vespa sylvestris  ♀

The only Aculeates seen, but none looked for.
10 sawflies &c. labelled 20/11/42!
63 more mounted & labelled during March 1956. A.W.S.