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26.5.40 cont.  Ballyhealy, WH., cont.

Sawflies numerous, mostly swept off birch or willow (S. cinerea mainly).

Cimbex femorata  ♀.  Very fresh, taken "roosting" on top of 4 ft. birch seedling in full wind.  Very dark markings on wings.
Tenthredella mesomelas, ferruginea & balteata
Rhogogaster viridis
Strombiconus delicatulus
Strongylogaster lineatus
Tenthredopsis nassata  1 small plae red ♂;  1 black & red ♀
Hoplocampa alpina  2 ♀♀ beaten off Mt. Ash just in flower, none on any going over.

Empria baltica?  ♂
Black spp. various, but only one mounted (1856) = Lygaeonematus laricis?  ♂

Pristiphora denudata, small ♀.
Amauronematus [[strikethrough]] cf [[?musselus]] ? [[/strikethrough]] fallax fide R.B. Benson!  2 ♀♀ on Salix.


26.5.40 cont.  Ballyhealy, WH. cont.

Gen. et sp.? (Cryptine!), tridendate mandibles;  cubical head;  tergites 2 & 3 red; &c. = Leptocryptus ??
Hemiteles inimicus?  ♀, ant. 24.

Cryptopimpla blanda  ♀, ant. bitten off!

Lissonota magdalenae  one magnificent ♀ taken on birch on edge of virgin bog N. of road.
Ischnocerus filicornis  A ♀ almost certainly the species on Rhagium-bored log.
Phytodictus sp.  1 ♂.
Pimpla oculatoria  1 ♂.
P. sp. near vexicaria? but apex of hind tibia & hine tarsi black; ant. 23.  ♀