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26.5.40, cont.  Ballyhealy, WH. cont.

Exyston pratorum Woldst., ant bitten off: (? ♀).
Cteniscus sp.  ♀, ant. 30.
Stenomacrus merula?  2 ♂♂, ant. 26 & 28.
St. sp.?  ♂ ant. 27.
Bassus varicoxa, a large ♀ with apex of tergite 1 white-marked!  Ant. 18.
Homocidus biguttatus  2 ♂♂, ant. both 24.
H. pallipes  2 ♂♂, ant. 22 & 23.
H. longiventris?  ♂, ant. 21.
[[strikethrough]] H. elegans  ♂, ant. [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
H. signatus  ♂ ant. 22.
Zootrephus sp.  ♂, ant. 20.
Perilissus pictilis  ♂♀, ant. 25+.
Erromenus brunnicans, 3 (? sex), ant. 32, 33 & 28+;  pale base to hind tibiae!
Polyblastus? sp.  2 ♂♂, ant. 30 & X, red abd. & femora.
P. varitarsis  ♂, ant. 34
Polyblastus?? sp.  ♀ (?), ant. 35. very polished abd. like Prionopoda
Trematopygus cf. niger, ant. 29 & 30: 2 (? sex).
T. [[?Spudnea) cf. atratus Holmgr.  ♂ ant. bitten off at 21st seg.
Euryproctid?  2 ♂♂, ant. 34 & 32+; yellow pronotum, &c. = 
Euryproctid  1 ♂, ant. 34, black pronotum, &c. = 
Mesoleius sp.  ♀, ant. 29.
Exochus flavomarginatus  ♂, ant. bitten off.
Anilasta ebenina Grav.?  Two stung caterpillars of fascelina found on bog, from which 2 ♂♂ of this or closed allied species bred on 18th & 19th June following.  See note on p.113.
E. decoratus (♂ ?) ant. 30.
Gen. et sp.?  ♂ (?), ant. 26.
Exothecus incertus  ♀, ant. 36
Bracon sp.?  2 ♂♂, ant. 29 & 31, tergite 2 red, aciculate!
B. sp. small, miserable, ♂, ant. 23.
Rogas cf. circumstriptus  ♂, ant. 31+;  ♀ ant 37.  ♂ has black femora;  ♀ has red femora!


26.5.40 cont.  Ballyhealy, WH. cont.

Euphorus cf. longicornis m.  ♀ (?), ant. red, 24-seg.
E. cf. xanthopus m.  3 esx.;  ant. all 18; one larger & with darker stigma!
Microctonus cf. cultus, 2 ♂♂, ant. 21 & 22.
Leiophron edentatus Hal.?  ♀, ant. 25;  notauli very faint!
Tanycarpa ancilla  ♂, ant. 24;  teneral, reddish, abd.
Phaenocarpa conspurcator  ♂, ant. 29+, bitten off.
Ph. flavipes  ♀, ant. 29.
Aspilota cf. small, teneral (?), ♂, sordipes m., ant. 24.
A. cf. nigrescens, small ♀, ant. 16;  2nd cubital shorter & more narrowed apically than in fuscescens.
A. picticornis complex, small ♀, ant. 18, rather than fuscicornis Hal.
A. picticornis complex, larger ♀, ant. 19.
A. (O.) maculipes  ♀, ant. 18.
A. (Synaldis) sp.  ♂, ant. 21, darkish legs, widened head.

Dacnusa sp. near lateralis, but only 36-seg. ant.;  tergite 1 very narrow & not widened apically as in uma Nixon.
D. (Pachysema) sp.?  ♂ (?), ant. 29:  this might run to aquilegiae Nixon, but I can't think it is that!  AWS

Procto.  (Belytid) 1 =