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27th - 31st May 1940: Drumgoff holiday, Co. WI.

On 27th drove from Dublin (11:30 AM) to Laragh, stopped at Derrybawm glen for lunch after a terrific thunder storm, followed by several others, which made collecting nearly impossible; then on over Military Road to Drumgoff. 

In afternoon collected along E. side of Cloghernagh glen, behind the barracks at Drumgoff.

On 28th spent morning collecting along right bank of Avonbeg below & above bridge, & chiefly under belt of trees inside wall of barracks at Drumgoff.  In afternoon took car to foot of Carrawaystick brook & wend up [[image]] path & to Kelly's Lough, round same & back.  Weather threatening & hardly an insect seen, in fact only one ick collected near shore of lough.  Collected larva of sawflies, &c. on Salix along river - in forenoon!  See p.270, & also p.77 ->

On 29th, collected in morning on both banks of "Ballybraid River" just above & below Coolalingo Bv. & behind hotel Drumgoff & up to forestry plantation.

In afternoon took a few insects along the Aughavanagh road behind the barracks & in evening explored Carriglineen, alt. 1496 ft., where many nests of Lasius flavus up to ca. 1200 ft.


On 30th collected in morning in fir plantation in angle of roads to Barrarn & Laragh & up to "ride" between it & new plantation at Coolingo Bridge, but did not over up collecting "ground" of 29th.

In afternoon went down to port of Drumgoff Brook & collected in old native scrub, oak, ash, hazel, birch, rowan, thorn, Salix spp. at foot of glen & up to the moor.

On morning of 31st went back to last place & collected till lunch time, after which drove home to Dublin via Rathdrum.

27th May 1940
Glen at Derrybawn, Laragh, Co. WI.  1 till 3 P.M.

Only two mtd. 1940 & these labelled 20/11/042.