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30th May 1940.  Fir plantation, Drumgoff, Co. WI.  10.30 - 1.0 P.M.

[46 mtd. & these labelled [Glenmalur Co. WI. AWS. 30.5.40 AM] 24/11/42! AWS.]

Pimpla flavicoxis?  ♂
Mesoleptus? sp.?  J.F.P. (- Helictus varius Hal. nobis [[?oli]])
Promethes laticarpus. A beautifully coloured ♂.
Homicidus pictus?  A diminutive ♀, with rather long slender 21-seg. ant. (? this sp.)
H. pallipes.  A fine robust ♂.
Polyblastus, red. abd., black hind femora, bicolored stigma, &c.  3 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, (1 ♂ very small & dark)! = 
Proclitus  ♂.
Plectiscus  ♀.
Adelognathus brevicornis?  ♂.

Rhogas nigricornis  ♀
R. circumstriptus?  dark var. ♀, almost simulating colour of nigricornis, but disc of mesonatum marked with red, lower part of mesopleura more strong sculptured & of course only 40-seg. ant. to 47 of nigricornis ♀ above.


30.5.40, cont.  Drumgoff, WI., cont.

Euphorus [[?parrulus]] Ruthe?  1
Microctonus cf. cultus Marshall?  ♂ & ♀, both with 22-seg. ant.
Leiophron edentatus  2 ♀♀, with 25 & 26-seg. ant.
Opius caelatus Hal.  ♂ - the first I have taken outside Glenasmole, Co. DU.
Aspilota praecipua, a small ♀ with 26-seg. ant.
A. rufifemur Sp. n. ♀, with 22-seg. ant., dark, a longer body, legs deep red-testaceous, stout, hind femora very stout (as in crassifemur), terebra 1/3 abd.  Type!  AWS 25/11/42  See also p.92 ->
A. surcularia  ♀ , with 17-seg. ant.
A. nigrescens?  a small ♂ with only 20-seg. ant.

Dacnusa sp.? belonging to the lateralis group (14 examples ♂ & ♀) with ant. 36 to 39-segmented:  10 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ seen near eros;  1 has interstitial recurrent n. & not like the above;  1 has 36-seg. ant. & slender petiole with red abd. again differs from the rest;  yet all look like one variable species

D. melanocera  ♀.
D. talaris  1
D. glabricollis miki  1 ♂, with 34-seg. ant.