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30.5.40.  Fir Wood, Drumgoff, Co. WI. cont.


3.5.40, aft. 3 till 7 P.M.
Scrub at foot of Drumgoff Brook, Co. WI.
[36 specimens mounted & these labelled [Glenmalur Co. WI. AWS. 30.5.40 PM.] 26/11/42! AWS]

Anteon?  ♂ =
Strongylogaster lineatus  ♂
Empria klugi  2 ♀♀
Cryptid  ♀ = 
Atractodes  1
Acrodactyla madida  ♂.
Triclistus podagricus?  1, with red legs & black coxae
Exochus  3 examples = E. pictus ♂?, 29-seg. ant.
E. notatus  (? ♂)
E. sp.? near prosopius (? ♂), long reddish antennae, no yellow spots on temples, same as taken at Athdown, 24/9/39.
Stenomacrus sp.? (areolet!)  ♂
Gen. et sp.? (Orthocentrus or Stenomacrus?)  ♀? brown, rugulose abd., no areolet, 27-seg. antennae, put with Stenomacrus AWS 27/11/42
Tryphon incestus?  1
Homocidus flavolineatus  ♂.
Anthenara crassifemur Th.  ♂, A.W.S. 1961.
Agrypon  1 ♀
Plectiscus  1 ♀

Oncophanes lanceolator  ♂, with 24-seg. ant.
Rhogas sp.?  ♀ of circumstriptus group, very dark, with dark antennae & stigma.

Transcription Notes:
Anthenara crassifemur - think he means Asthenarus crassifemur