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30.5.40, aft.  Drumgoff Brook, WI, cont.


31st May 1940. Drumgoff Brook glen, Co. WI., same as in previous afternoon.  10.30-1.0 P.M.

Hot, steamy, with misty rain, but not wet enough to stop collecting in glen.
[31 mounted & these labelled [Gleumalur Co. WI AWS. 31.5.40.] 29/11/42/AWS.]

Anteon  ♂. 
A.  ♀.
Platylabus pedatorius  2 ♂♂
Polysphincta pallipes??  ♂: 5th posterior tarsal segment very large.
Exochus flavomarginatus  ♀.
Polyblastus rivalis??  ♂
Homocidus alpinus  ♂
H. pictus var. with black scutellum?, large ♂.
Stenomacrus cubiceps  ♀

Bracon sp. near fraudator  ♂ & ♀:  ♂ ant. 31 &♀ with 28-segments
B. nigratus  ♀ with 31-seg. ant. 
Exothecus incertus  ♀ with 35-seg ant.
Rhogas circumscriptus  ♂ } ? vars.
R. circusmscriptus  ♀ } ? vars.
Ascogaster sp.?  1
Earinus sp.? ♂, with rather short, 30-seg. ant.
Microctonus sp. Cultus Marsh.?  ♀, with 22-seg. ant.