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19.6.40, cont.  Glenasmole, DU., cont.

Acoeluis subfasciatus  ♀ at 1.
Apanteles pallipes?  ♀ at 1.
A. sp.?  ♂ & ♀ at 2
Euphorus [[strikethrough]] orchorae [[/strikethrough]] grandiceps Th.  1 at 1. 
E. parvulus  ♀ (?) at 3. 
E. fulvipes  ♀ at 2, 1 at 3
Blacus paganus?  ♀ at 1, ♂ at 2.
B. trivialis?  ♂ at 3.
Opius cf [[?Avis?]] communis?  ♀ at 2, ♂ & ♀ at 3. 
O. celsus?  ♂ at 2 with 37-segmented antennae: labelled 16.3.41.
Biotere procerus  ♀ at 3
Trachyusa aurora  ♂ & ♀ at 3. 
Phaenocarpa livida:  a large ♂ at 2
Aspilota cf. atra:  a small ♀, with short 22-seg. ant., at 1:  see also below.
A. atra?  ♂, with 27-seg. ant., at 2.
A. tumida m.?  a very small ♂, with 17-seg. ant., at 1.
Al tumida m.?  a large ♂, with 20-seg. at 3.
A. semirufa?  small ♂ at 2, with 21-seg. ant.
Aphaereta tenuicornis  ♂ at 2.
Dacnusa eros  ♂♂ & ♀♀ at 1, 2 & 3;  1 ♂ from 2 with 44-seg. ant.
D. sp.?  ♂ at 2, with 37-seg. ant., stouter stigma, more evenly curved radius, tarsi = length of hind tibiae, differs thus from eros.
D. adducta  1 ♂ & 2 very large ♀♀ at 1, with resp., 32, 33 & 33 seg. ant.
D. "sp." of Ruthe (fide Nixon)"?  ♂ at 4, with 34-seg. ant. nearly twice length of whole body, red on abd., red & black hind legs, &c.
D. ovalis?  ♀ at 1, with 31-seg. ant.
D. sp. near ovalis  ♂ with 26-seg. ant., at 2.
D. areolaris  ♀, at 1, with stigma very like maculipes, 20-seg. ant.


19.6.40, cont.  Glenasmole, DU. cont.

Dyseritus planiceps  ♀, with 23-seg. ant. at 2.
Aphidius urticae??  ♀ at 3, with 18-seg. ant.
A. sonchi?  A nice ♀ at 1, with 16-seg. ant.
A. sp.?  ♂ at 1, +/- entirely dark fuscous, antennae broken cf nigripes miki!
Proctos.  1 at 1, 3 at 2 & 1 at 3.
Hemipteron - Rhopalotoma ater  1

19th June 1940.
Specimen of ichneumon-like Dipteron Loxocera aristata taken in garden, 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross, DU.

21st June 1940.
Small Procto. taken by E. O'Mahony at St. Anne's, Clontarf, Co. DU = 

Note on breeding of Anilasta ebenina (?) from fascelina larvae:  see p.70, ante.  3 ♂♂ & 1 ♀ bred 18.6.40, 18.6.40, 19.6.4 (♀) 22.7.40 (Scotland ♂), respectively from Athy district, KD.  (K.M. Dunlop) 1 ♂, Ballyhealy, WH.  (A.W.S.) 2 ♂♂, & Braemar, AB., Scotland  (A.M. Gwynn) ♀.  All these are larger, ca. 9-10mm., than size of ebenina given in book, but otherwise seen to agree.