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23rd June 1940.  Cooler, strong E wind, after rain on 22nd during night.  Small insects rare.

Sides of canal, & field drains E & W of lock at Landenstown Ho. Co. KD.

[Only 14 from 1 & 6 from 2 mounted & these labelled 19/12/42, A.W.S.]

1 = edge of calan (N. bank) & field-drains N. of road along canal, 1/4 mile West of lock.
2 = side of canal (S. bank) along reed-bed 300 yards East of lock.

Blennocampa tenuicornis?  ♂ at 1.
Trichiocampus [[strikethrough]] drewseni? [[/strikethrough]]  ♂ at 1 = eradiatus √ R.B. Benson 11.3.43.
Colpomeria quadrisculpta  ♀ at 2.
Homocidus bizonarius  ♀ at 2.
Perilissus dissimilis or subcinctus?  ♂ at 1.
Mesoleius?  red sp.  ♀ at 1, with matt abdomen.

Bracon rivalis m.  ♀ at 1.
B. cf fulvipes?  ♂ at 2, with 33-seg. ant.:  probably a starved ♂ of this species.

Opius cf. rictus?  ♂ at 1, with 33-seg. ant.


23.6.40, cont.  Landenstown, KD., cont.

Aphaereta tenuicornis  ♂ & ♀ at 1.
Aspilota cf. viatica?  ♂ at 1, with very long 23-seg. ant. but quadrate post-petiole!
Dacnusa clarinervis m.  ♀ at 1, with v. clear wings & 30-seg. ant.
D. grossa m.  ♀ at 2, with 30-seg. ant. = ? large var. of melanocera fide Nixon.
D. polita-nigra m.  ♀ at 2, with 26-seg. ant.
Coelinius sp.?  ♂ at 1, with 41-seg. ant. (cf. n. sp. Sligo)
Aphidius cf. sonchi  2 ♀♀ at 1, with 17-seg. ant.
A. gregarius?  ♀ at 2, with 19-seg. ant.;  fits this sp. well but colour slightly darker than Marshall's (?bred series).

Hempteron, very small sp. at 1 =