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27.6 40, cont.  Glenasmole, DU., cont. 


30th June 1940. 
A fine day, nearly all sunny, with E. breeze. 

Spent afternoon (2:30 till 6:0) in Glencree Co. WI., collecting for 1 1/2 hours up tributary stream between Tonduff & Powerscourt Mt. & above old road from Deerpark to L. Bray;  & for I hour in oak-pine wood below road of same place. 
Blackberries, ripe & abundant: seems early!

Glencree, Co. WI. 
1 = stream mid shore road (see above!)  2.30 till 4.15
2 = oak-pine wood, below road. 

[38 mounted from 1, & 36 from 2 : these labelled 24/12/42 et seq.! AWS.]

Bombus agrorum, lucorum & jonellus  ☿️☿️ at 2 seen. 
Leptothorax acervorum  1 winged ♀ at 2 (swept).
Anteon  2 ♂♂ at 1. 
Crabro dimidiatus  ♂ at 1
C. varius at 1
C. clavipes at 1 & 2, at bored & dead branches.
Pristiphora pallidiventris  ♀ at 1.