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7th July 1940. 

A fine day, but with showers; wind W., light;sun very hot when out.

Rye Water, Leixlip, Co. KD. 10.30-12.15 "AM". (in Museum in afternoon).

All insects swept in angle between road, canal & right bank of Rye Water:  collecting sadly interfered with by a drizzle between 11 & 11.30, which made collecting impossible for a whole hour. 

[52 mounted & these labelled 31.12.42 et seq. A.W.S]

Halictus albipes  ♂ seen.
Vespa rufa & vulgaris ☿☿ seen.
Anteon spp.  6 ♂♂, 1 ♀ =

Ichneumon  1 large black & yellow ♂.

Amblyteles 1 large black & yellow ♂
Pimpla detrita group:  3♂♂ small medium & large sizes, with 1 21-, 23-1 & 24 segmented ant.
P. arundinator (= hibernica) ♂ & ♀.
Gunomeria macrodactyla  ♂.
Gen. et sp? ♂, abd. red in centre, ant. 44, Euryproctid or Mesoleid or Mesoleptid? 
Meloboris (Diadegma?) ♂ & ♀.


7.7.40, cont.  Rye Water, KD., cont.

Absyrtus luteus?  ♂ & ♀.
Mesochorus., a small dark ♂.

Bracon anthracinus  ♀
B. communis miki.  1♀, with 27-seg. ant. 
B. sp.? near last but small (? immature).  1♀, longer terebra  24-seg. ant., & upper half of tibiae pallid yellow, &c., wings clearer.
B. fulvipes  ♂, with black [[image]] in centre & two lateral apical blackened marks.
B.degenerator Marsh.  ♂, with extraordinary bright primary-yellow banded abdomen & venter.  √ AWS.17.3.1941! labelled!!
Hormius moniliatus  1 ♂
Apanteles falcatus  ♂ & ♀
A. difficilis?  ♀
A. cf. infimus?  ♂
Microplitis xanthopus  ♂
Agathis sp.  1 ♀ (formerly logged as anglica but not that species fide Nixon, 1942) 
Meteorus abdominator  1♀, 24-seg. ant., small specimen.
Perilitus  1♀, 24-seg. ant.