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7.7.40 cont. Rye Water, KD., cont. 

Prosapha speculum  1 ♂ labelled 17.3.41!
Pentapleura pumilio  ♀♀, one with very pale legs.
Aspilota semicompressa  1 ♀ sp. n.  Type!  Head not quite flat ontop, ant. shorter than in compressa, 16-seg.  Labelled!  AWS. 17.2.1941

Dacnusa cyclops  ♂
D. ochripes sp. n.  ♂, like affinis but ant. 29.seg., legs rich ochre, tergite 1 hairy & tufted at corners like coltipalpis;  sternauli narrow, deep & smooth.  Type!  AWS. 1.1.43.
Coelinius cephalotes miki?  1 ♂ with 47-seg. ant.
C. n. sp. Sligo  1 ♂ with 41.seg. ant.
Chaenon anceps  ♂♂ & 1 ♀.

Praon vulucre?  2 ♂♂, with 21 & 24.seg. ant. resp.

Aphidius spp. common:  ony 1 mounted = A. gregarius?  dark ♀
Proctos.  7: = Paracodrus apterogynus  3 ♂♂;

Chalcids 2 = cf Spalangia?
Diptera 2 = 2 ♀♀ of Onycera pygmaea Fallen.
Dragonfly:  Calopteryx splendeus abundant along the Rye Water.


10th July 1940.

A very perfect day, after a depression & considerable rain the previous day & evening:  vegetation still wet in shelter:  nearly all sunny with gentle NW breeze, turning E. in evening.

Left home about 11 AM. & drove to R. Liffey near Osberstown HO., Sallins, where collected on steep bank between road & river for an hour:  then on to canal below Landenstown HO. where collected for two hours;  then on via Coolcarrigan, Timahoe, Dunadea Castle to Maynooth;  collected for a few minutes in roadside ditches just W. of Dunadea where road crosses the arterial drain leading into R. Blackwater;  much interesting ground around this area:  at 4.15 P.M. arrived at Moygaddy HO. where the Misses Fowler (formerly of Bryanstown HO.) now live in a flat in old stable building & here after tea collected in fields & glen of tributary to Rye Water for nearly an hour:  home 8.30 P.M.