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10.7.40., cont.  Landerstown, KD. cont.

Bassus annulatus  ♂ at 1. 
Homocidus pectoratorius, a very small, nicely marked ♂ at 2.
Mesoleid ♀, red abd., ant. 35-seg. at 2 =
Tryphoninid, ♀, red abd., looks like Catoglyptid but not, at 1 =
Canidia  ♀ at 1.
Meloboris  ♀, red coxae, at 1.
Bracon "communis" miki  1 normal ♀, ant. 27 & another small ♀, with only 23-seg. ant. both at 2.
B. fuscicoxis  ♀ at 1
Blacus cf. ambulans?  a brachypterus ♂ at 2, ant. 21-seg.
Opius cf. levis Wesm.?  a very small ♀ at 1, with 23-seg. ant.
Phaenocarpa livida:  a nice ♂ at 2, with 31-seg. ant.
Aspilota fuscicornis?  ♂ at 2, with 18-seg. ant.
A. clara?  ♂ at 2, with 20-seg. ant., very near the last.
Aspilota sp.?  a minute ♂ at 2, with short wings & neuration like ♂ Panerema, slender, elongate 16-seg. ant.  Labelled sp.? AWS. 17.3.1941.
A. spp.?  3 ♂♂ at 2, with 22, 23 & 23-seg. ant., all differing inter se = 

A. sp.?  1 ♀ at 2, with curious (? malformed) propodeum, the part above the ridge overhanging the apparently "pushed in" part below;  terebra 1/2 abd., ant. pale, 21-seg., body +/- testaceous cf. sylvatica freak?

Coelinius cephalotes?  ♂ at 1, with 51-seg. ant.
Ephedrus plagiator:  a larger ♀ at 1 & a smaller ♀ at 2.
Aphidius dissolutus  ♂ at 2.


10.7.40, cont.  Landerstown, KD., cont.

Aphidius sp.  ♂, 17-seg. ant. at 2.
A. sp.  ♀ at 2, 18-seg. ant.
A. sp.  ♀ at 2, 17-seg. ant., fuscous legs.
Proctos.  6 at 2.
Chalcid.  1 ♀, long terebra, at 1. =
Dipteron:  Oxycera morrisi  ♀ at 1.

10.7.40, cont.  
Roadside ditches, 3/4 mile W. of Dunadea Castle estate (R. Blackwater) Co. KD.
[Only 9 mounted & these labelled 6/1/43! A.W.S.]

Platylabus vibratorius (albinus)  ♀.
Mesoleius?  ♂, red. abd.
Omorga?  ♀
Euphorus pallipes (? ♀) ant. 23-seg.
Aspilota cf. cynipidis??  ♂, ant. 24-seg., with dimple, red petiole
Dacnusa sp.? near lugabris or small ex. of that sp.  1 ♀, 26-seg. ant.
D. evadne  2 ♀♀, with 29 & 31-seg. ant.
D. esbelta:  Common.  1 ♂ mounted.

Transcription Notes: